| Alle14 a întrebat:

Heiibig grin Imi puteti spune si mie cateva filme de groaza? Sau sa`mi recomandati niste filme? Multumeschappy.

4 răspunsuri:
| gmdani a răspuns:

Ghost rider,shutter,the wolfman,priest,house,Mirrors,Paranormal Activity,autopsy,dead snow,amusement,pandorum,pig hunt,the thing,scream,the rite, transylmania, zombie land.

si multe de genu

| nr7_9329 a răspuns:

Final destination(toata seria)
the butterfly efect(toata seria)
house of wax
when a stranger calls
iti recomand knight and day, harold and kumar1, 2 chiar 3, my sassy girl,a walk to remember,spread,chasing liberty, eurotrip, boat trip... funda?

| DenisaIna a răspuns:


| xlollypop a răspuns:

Astea sunt dupa adevar:the exorcist,texas in chainsaw massacre,jaws,audrey rose,the hills have eyes,the amityville horror.dar cel mai scarry e the exorcism of emily rose pentru ca e dupa adevar si exista si inregistrari cu ea in care era posedata.mai sunt si 11-11-11,the rite,mirrors...si mai e o emisiune fenomene stranii.Mai sunt paranormal activity, destinatie finala,the unborn,the rite,house of wax,haute tension,captivity, i know what you did last summerhappyfunda?:X

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