| Myfriend a întrebat:

Care stie niste jocuri faine pentru Android?

Răspuns Câştigător
| Timeea2001 a răspuns:

Este fruit ninja, angry birts, asphald 5, raging thunder, ant smasher, temple run, marble blast 2, toilet paper, racing moto, maze 1, bowling,elite force, air penguin, zero tolerance, happy snake, yumm... funda?

7 răspunsuri:
| MihaiGe a răspuns:

Temple run 2
Angry run gran
Top eleven
Candy crush Saga

| AndreiuuMrrr a răspuns:

Modern Combat 4
Gta 3

Preferatele mele

| ChristopherE a răspuns:


| bosss45 a răspuns:

Audi iti recomand VECRTOR si BUS DRIVING 3D ooooo da cel mai tare temple run 2

| CristiMessi a răspuns:

Angry Birds, Call of Duty!

| TonYGanGsTeR a răspuns:

Temple run. angry birds call of duty, space enemies, howlers, fruit ninja, etc.

| allegria21 a răspuns:

Slender man

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