| misstoxick a întrebat:

de ce nu ma mai pot loga pe facebook de trei zile cand imi trec e-mailul si parola imi apare asta Contul tău este blocat temporar.
Your account has been temporarily locked because we have detected malicious software on your computer. Malware is malicious software that tries to access your personal information, slows your connection, and could cause other problems when you use Facebook. Your computer can become infected with malware when you click or share spammy links.
To get help removing the malware, click Continue. Once the malware is removed, you can log in to your account.

1 răspuns:
| Laurentiu_Barbu_1985 a răspuns:

Adica ai un virus/trojan/program malware in PC, solutia este un antivirus/soft antispyware bun cu licenta sau reinstalare Windows cu stergerea completa a HDD.