| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Unde pot gasi o lista de profesori Namboodhiri care au scris carti importante antice?

1 răspuns:
| RAY a răspuns:

Food in Kerala. 1944.
The peasant in national economic construction. 1954.
Communist party and states reorganisation. 1955.
Twenty-eight months in Kerala. A retrospect. 1959
Critical note on the programme draft. 1964.
India under Congress rule. 1967.
Kerala. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. 1968.
The republican constitution in the struggle for socialism... 1968.
Anti–Communist gang–up in Kerala. 1970.
Conflicts and crisis. 1974.
Crisis into chaos. 1981.
The BJP – RSS. 1988.
The Communist Party in Kerala: Six decades of struggle and advance. 1994.