| andra4u a întrebat:

Spuneti-mi replici care v-au impresionat din filme. Dau fundita.

Răspuns Câştigător
| xClementine a răspuns:

Am doua replici favorite din filmul ''The Beach'' care sunt si singurele de altfel, si anume :
''You hope, and you dream. But you never believe that something's gonna happen for you. Not like it does in the movies. And when it actually does, you want it to feel different, more visceral, more real. I was waiting for it to hit me, but it just wouldn't happen.''


''And me? I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it's not some place you can look for. Because it's not where you go. It's how you feel for a moment in your life when you're a part of something. And if you find that moment... It lasts forever. ''
Pa, pa.

14 răspunsuri:
| Apache a răspuns:

Nu m-au impresionat replici.ci filme in sine! ...de ex : titanic!

| Vulvatron a răspuns:

Fiecare cuvant scos din gura lui Marilyn Monroe happy

| ea_6589 a răspuns:

Love Is Like The Wind - You Can't See It, But You Can Feel It (celebra de o stie si bunica daca a vazut a walk to remember )
I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.
Honestly I don't blame you, it's not your fault, it's mine, I didn't plan on liking you, it just sort of happened that way, I'm sorry about that.
Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his wings
After all... tomorrow is another day
Houston, we have a problem
Sper sa iti placa mai am cateva dar nu imi vin in minte exact :*

| danutzzz1992 a răspuns:

"All this has happened before and will happen again"- BSG

| AcidCuSange a răspuns:

Gentlemen, it's been a privilege playing with you tonight.
M-a impresionat!

| MaeRi a răspuns:

Hmmm multe.
Mary Stayed All Out Night:''Mary:Ce crezi ca este mai important intre iubire si loialitate/credinta?
Mary:Nu,Loialitate,un om care iti este loial iti ofera si iubire,insa un om care zice ca te iubeste, doar o zice nu iti si arata.''

Sau din Choeun, la nunta
B:Fara tine...nimic nu mai e bine,eu sufat gandinduma la asta,chiar daca imi amintesc iubirea noastra,primul sarut al nostru,nu am ce face decat sa sterg aceste amintiri;;
Fsadplangand)tu nu mi-ai zis asta pana acum,,,
Bbig grineoarece,acum simt ca stiu ce este iubirea,nu pot trai fara tine
F:nu a fost iubire, nu imi vreau sa te vad niciodata.
Si multe alte replici mi-au placut, dar prea mult de scris.

| Funny5611 a răspuns:

Iti zic eu una tare da imi dai fundita!

VORBESTE cu Curu meu el se ocupa de toate rahaturile.

Family Guy

| LoVeIsLiFe a răspuns:

Cinderella story-filmul este foarte vechi dar mi-a placut multlove struck
m'a impesionat mult situatia fetei, nedreptatea cu care se confrunta
dar mai ales m'a impresionat iubirea dintre cei doilove struck

| Totipentruunu a răspuns:

Cele din twilight http://www.twilight-quotes.com/characters
in special asta:

" De trei lucruri eram absolut sigura. Primul, Edward era vampir. Al doilea, o parte din el- si nu stiam cat de puternica era acea parte- era insetata dupa sangele meu. Si al treilea, eram neconditionat si irevocabil indragostita de el"

| Smmile a răspuns:

- I’ll be back!

- May the force be with you, my young Padawan!

- I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.

- Louis, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

- Bond. James Bond.

- Nobody’s perfect.

- Hasta la vista, baby!

O stea nu straluceste cu inima franta!

"If you build it, he will come

E doar ploaia, Donkey!

| LaviniaPisi a răspuns:

Iama cu tine daca nu ma omor

| OannA4steaua a răspuns:

Some nightmares don't end once we open our eyes happy

| OannA4steaua a răspuns:

Some nightmares don't end once we open our eyes. happy

Hope u like it! big grin

| zyrocool a răspuns:

In transformers... cand l-au invins pe optimus incercand sa-l apare pe baiat. a fost super, el s-o intros spre dansu si atunci megatron l-o injunghiat