| Theo94 a întrebat:

Ce credeti despre teoria evolutie a lui Terence Mckenna precum ca homo erectus a evoluat in homo sapiens din cauza ca a consumat un tip de ciuperci psihedelice?

"Therefore, according to McKenna, access to and ingestion of mushrooms was an evolutionary advantage to humans' omnivorous hunter-gatherer ancestors,[26][78] also providing humanities first religious impulse.[78][80] He believed that psilocybin mushrooms were the "evolutionary catalyst"[3] from which language, projective imagination, the arts, religion, philosophy, science, and all of human culture sprang.[7][8][27][78]"

"In his book Food of the Gods, McKenna proposed that the transformation from humans' early ancestors Homo erectus to the species Homo sapiens mainly had to do with the addition of the mushroom Psilocybe cubensis in its diet,[26][73][74] an event that according to his theory took place in about 100, 000 BCE (which is when he believed that the species diverged from the genus Homo).[22][75] McKenna based his theory on the main effects, or alleged effects, produced by the mushroom[3] while citing studies by Roland Fischer et al. from the late 1960s to early 1970s.[76][77]"


"The human brain doubled in power, very suddenly, 200, 000 years ago. Why?"




6 răspunsuri:
| sadrian46 a răspuns:


| Simpatic a răspuns:

Teorii scrise la betie...

| brokxy a răspuns:

Oamenii au evoluat dupa ce au invatat sa vaneze si au consumat carne, nu de la niste ciuperci... punct big grin

| Teffan a răspuns:

O prostie.

| NietzscheFrumosSiDesteptSunt a răspuns:

Incerca sa inventeze argumente pentru crezurile lui stupide.

| Dandinelle a răspuns:

E o abordare interesanta tinand cont de civilizatiile stravechi care foloseau diferite mixuri psihedelice in ritualuri, iar in zilele noastre expansiunea in cercetare a psihedelicelor in terapie. (In diferite tari in Europa si state in US este legal consumul de anumite psihedelice in scop terapeutic deja sau recreational). Stii cum e ca si celelalte idei de existenta a speciei umane: sunt teorii, te ajuta pe tine sufleteste sa fii impacat cu o idee "de unde vii". Daca vrei sa explorezi ideea mai mult informeaza-te, urmeaza-ti drumul, daca esti adult e dreptul tau sa-ti pui intrebari de genul asta. Spor!