| lobont98 a întrebat:

De ce cand dau la inrebarile secrete ca sa-mi aflu parola la id nu ma lasa sa intru. scrie asa
For security reasons, the secret question option is locked.
We're sorry that you cannot access the alternate email address or mobile number you provided for your account. Would you like to try another email address or mobile number?

Please return on March 04, 2013, after 13:48 PST, when you will be able to reset your password by answering the secret question you chose for your account.

Why do I have to wait?

zice sa intru dupa 13:48 dar e trecut de acea ora...

1 răspuns:
| SefuBanilor99 a răspuns:

Frate te sfatuiesc sa il stergi messu si sal reinstalezi astept funda