| xXCheeseXx a întrebat:

Funda Urgent
funda urgent

Tocmai ce am facut un filmulet la care mam chinuit 1 ora si ceva in Windows Movie Maker 2.6 (Dowloandat de pe net)
Am niste intrebariii
1) De ce imi apare un X pe poza pe care am introdus-o?thinking
2) Cum doamne fereste se salveaza ca de 10 ore tot asta incerc

Decii dau la Finish Movie

La mine scrie decat

1.Save to my computer
2.Send to DV camera

Bine dau pe save to my computer

Si scrie asa:
Enter of file name of your movie
Chose a place to save your movie

Completez acolo si dau next si imi apare

This project contains source files that are missing or that have been modified after import. Your project cannot be saved as a movie until the source files have be located or deleted from de project
Ziceti-mi si mi-e cum sa il salvez ca deja mor incet de nerviicrying
Funda urgent

1 răspuns:
| mihaif a răspuns:

Probabil ai sters fisierele dupa ce le-ai editat :*