| SupMates a întrebat:

Definiti ce inseamna iubit/iubita pentru voi!

Răspuns Câştigător
| Djsjuajsjsj a răspuns:

E simplu. Un barbat cu care mi-as dori o familie la un moment dat.
Nu tu iubire ca-n basme/dragoste cereasca/stalp de sustinere emotionala/motivul fericirii. Nu as putea face din viitorul sot "motivul" existentei mele. Nu ma consider intr-atat de insecure incat sa nu pot simti ca traiesc decat prin intermediul altora iar in momentul in care nu as mai fi "hranita" cu iubirea si atentia lor sa simt ca cedez din toate punctele de vedere. Nu pot vedea prin altii obiectele ale propriei mele fericiri.
Da, daca cei dragi sunt sanatosi si bine asta constituie un motiv de multumire spirituala pentru mine. Atat.

In orice caz, cum spuneam, cineva langa care pot avea o fam., a noastra.
Copii frumosi si sanatosi, de care sa avem grija impreuna si carora sa le oferim tot suportul si sustinerea noastra. Meh. Nu tintesc mai sus de altii, pe plan personal spun. Dar asta este ceea ce vreau.
O fam. a mea.

34 răspunsuri:
| asdf2kpower a răspuns:

Mâna mea dreaptă. Dragostea vieții mele. Vorba unui maestru:

O labă la timpul ei, face cât o mie de femei.

| SupMates explică (pentru asdf2kpower):


| RAY a răspuns:

Iubita =o fiinta din specia homo sapiens de sex opus de care esti atras in primul rand fizic apoi si prin ceea ce are in creierul ei, atractia e suficienta pentru reproducere dar pentru a sta cu o femeie nu e suficienta, este nevoie de sinceritate, incredere, iubire, dragoste chesti de care multe fete nu dau dovada, din pacate multe curvaresc si cand fac 30 de ani fiind uzate rau de tot se compromite cu un beta fraier care crede in ea, mai jalnic e cand si o ei cu un copil sau doi, rade toti masculi din regnul animal de tine

| Emma30555 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

În situația descrisa de tine depinde cum vezi situația. Poate acea femeie de 30 de ani ajunsa la maturitate ii place acel beta ajuns la maturitate, adică nici el nu mai e asa bleg și ea la rândul ei își dorește stabilitate, asta în situația descrisa de tine căci nu putem generaliza. Tu vrei sa zici ca la început alegem cu inima apoi cu mintea sau ceva de genul. Băieții când sunt f tineri nu și doresc relații serioase, se îndrăgostesc ușor dar le trece usor. Nu exista reguli sunt foarte multe genuri de oameni și de relații. Un băiat la 20 de ani nu și dorește nici stabilitate la fel ca atunci când are 30. Se numește maturizare

| RAY a răspuns (pentru Emma30555):

Da e valabil la ambele sexe, as fi ipocrit sa spun ca nu, sa stii ca nu toti avem parte de sex si doar o mica parte din noi, restul sunt in tot felul de zone gen zona prietenei, gold number ar fi 20% din barbati atrag sexul opus restul sunt beta sau omega, exista un ratio sexual https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_ratio

| Kime a răspuns:

Pentru mine un iubit înseamnã motivul care mã face fericită. Înseamnã totul pentru mine și imi este alãturi la bine și la greu.
Îl iubesc enorm și sinceră și fiu el este motivul pentru care trăiesc. : 3

| Freya1 a răspuns:

Iubitul pentru mine inseamna iubirea insusi...
Acel om care e langa mine si la bine si la greu, care ma sprijina, ma ajuta, ma sfatuieste si accepta asa cum sunt.Omul cu care pot sa impart afectiune, timp, dragoste...

| Emma30555 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Asta e ceva relativ, eu cand etam la liceu majoritatatea baietilor se laudau ca si au inceput viata sexuala. Mi aduc aminte ca erau cativa mai tupeisti, mai populari dar restul ce faceu, stateau linistiti, nu se dadeau la fete, in liceu nu o sa vina fata la tine sa se ofere, trebuie sa faci si tu ceva. Daca un baiat este foarte timid nu poti spune ca nu l plac fetele din moment ce el nu incearca. Cand mai creste se mai schimba situatia, nu ca incep fetele sa se uite la beta cum zici tu dar devine si el mai activ. Nici fetele nu stau asa bine la capitotolul dragoste, ele pot fi chiar frumoase dar lipsa lor de experienta si timiditatea le face sa ramana singure pe perioada adolescentei

| Laila12Izabela a răspuns:

Iubirea mea. Pereche mea. Persoana care sta lângă mine indiferent de situatie.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru Emma30555):

E ceva normal,virginitatea in lumea masculina este o rusine,in trecut cine nu facea sex cu vreuna era alungat din trib si afara din trib te astepta o viata grea,de asta inca simtim frica respingeri si azi,iar masculul alfa face sex cu mai multe de a demonstra ca e lider,multi barbati in varsta stau cu fete tinere sa aiba din nou incredere in ei,da,exact ce spuneam sunt si baieti care le e frica de respingere sau timizi,dar asta nu inseamna ca nu pot atrage sexul opus, de timide sa te fereasca dumnezeu atat spun, cele mai mari tarfe, ipocrite de pe pamant, nu toate dar multe sunt niste prefacute

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

O fatã foarte femininã care ar asculta orice i-as zice, plus sã rãmânã cu mine chiar daca nu o duc la intâlniri/vacante, nu ii ofer cadouri, chiar daca nu fac sex cu ea pe o perioadã indelungatã de timp. Ea tot sa rãmânã alãturi de mine.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Man natura feminina nu are nevoie de nimic din acestea, ele sunt programate genetic sa cearã dragoste/iubire nu sa primeasca de la masculii beta/omega.
Pe timpul când se facea armata rãzboi nu auzeai asa ceva, totusi femeile asteptau si cereau prin scrisori si griji de acasa barbatii lor.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

In humans, when choosing a mate of the opposite sex, females place high preference for a mate that is physically attractive.[2] This ties in with the idea that women discriminate between men on hypothesized fitness cues. The more physically attractive a man is, the higher his fitness, and the better his genes will be. Women are attracted to more masculine traits (e.g. strong jawline, a more muscular body). Indeed, men who are more masculine tend to have a higher number of sexual partners.[3]

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru RAY):


"You want to create more masculinity in your own way of being so she feels drawn to you.
If you begin to reward her and give her approval she will feel more secure.
She’s looking for your leadership, she wants your approval, no matter how strong and self-sufficient she is. If you’ve allowed the power to slip over into her control… If she makes the decisions, the plans, and determines what’s acceptable in your relationship, if she sets the tone, then you have forfeited your masculine leadership. This is one of the biggest marriage wreckers… You must take charge now.
When you take control back you must use, "appropriate dominance." This means that though you are the leader in setting your plans and strategies for living life together, you are always taking into account her needs and seeing life through her eyes and getting her feedback before you make unilateral decisions that may upset her. She wants you to take control, but not at her expense.
Since you are always training her with everything you do, where ever you are now in your interrelating is because of the actions you’ve taken to date. To change how you relate, you must start by changing your own behavior.
If you begin to appreciate her and give her affection, and you fill her up with these two things, you will begin to receive them both back from her.
You must cultivate your own self-confidence, your own air of certainty. She is your charge and your inner strength in navigating life’s pleasures and challenges will help her relax into her femininity and give you the affection you so crave."

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):


In early life, usually just before puberty, males are said to be quite flexible regarding their "preferred sexual incentive",[16] although they later become inflexible. Females on the other hand remain flexible throughout their life cycle. This change in sexuality due to sensitivity to variations in situational, cultural, and social factors is called erotic plasticity. Otherwise, we know very little about the feelings of sexual desire and sexual arousal in prepubertal children or whether any feelings they may have can be comparable to what they would experience later on in life as an adult.[9] However, we do know that boys typically experience and commence sexual interest and activity before girls do.[11]

Men, on average, have significantly higher sex drives and desire for sexual activity than women do; this also correlated with the finding that men report, on average, a larger total number of lifetime sexual partners,[17] although mathematicians say "it is logically impossible for heterosexual men to have more partners on average than heterosexual women".[18] Sex drive was also related to sociosexuality scores, where the higher the sex drive the less restricted the sociosexual orientation, or the willingness to have sex outside of a committed relationship.[16] This was especially the case for women. Lippa utilized data from a BBC internet survey to examine cross-cultural patterns in sex differences for three traits: sex drive, sociosexuality, and height. These three traits all showed consistent sex differences across nations, although women were found to be more variable than men in their sex drive.[19] On average, male sexual desire remains stronger, more frequent, and longer into the life cycle than women’s.[1] Though women do not experience sexual desire as often as men, when they do, the intensity of the experience is equal to that of men.[9] Societal perceptions of men and women in addition to perceptions about acceptable sexual behaviour (e.g. men are more sexual and sometimes insatiable while women should be more reserved and almost nonsexual) may also contribute to expressed levels of sexual desire and expressed sexual satisfaction.[1] DeLamater and Sill found that affect and feelings towards the importance of sexual activity can affect levels of desire. In their study, women who said that sexual activity was important to the quality of their lives and relationships demonstrated low desire, while women who placed less emphasis on sexual activity in their lives demonstrated high desire. Men also presented similar results.[8] These findings were reflected in a Conaglen and Evans study where they assessed whether sexual desire levels influence emotional responses and cognitive processing of sexual pictorial stimuli. They found that women with lower sexual desire responded to sexual stimuli in the picture recognition task more quickly but rated the sexual images as less arousing and less pleasant than the other desire groups.[20]

It has been found that women can become physically aroused when presented with explicit sexual imagery and stimuli without experiencing psychological desire or arousal.[21] This led to 97% of women in a study reporting that they have had sexual intercourse without experiencing sexual desire while only 60% of the men reported the same thing.[3] Also, women may form a more significant association between sexual desire and attachment than men.[22] Women may be more prone to desire fluctuation due to the many phases and biological changes the woman’s body endures through a life cycle: menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, and fatigue.[6] Though these changes are usually very small, women seem to have increased levels of sexual desire during ovulation while during menstruation they experience a decreased level of sexual desire.[15] In women, an abrupt decline in androgen production can cause cessation of sexual thoughts and the failure to respond to sexual cues and triggers which previously would elicit sexual desire.[5] This is seen especially in postmenopausal women who have low levels of testosterone. Doses of testosterone given to women transdermally have been found to improve levels of sexual desire and sexual functioning.[11]

Older individuals are less likely to declare themselves as being at the extremes of the sexual desire spectrum.[23] By the time that individuals reach middle and old age there is a natural decline in sexual desire, sexual capacity, and the frequency of sexual behaviour.[1] DeLamater and Sill found that the majority of men and women do not officially report themselves as having low levels of sexual desire until they are 75 years old.[8] Many would attribute this lull to partner familiarity, alienation, or preoccupation with other non-sexual matters such as social, relational, and health concerns.[6]

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Man natura feminina nu are nevoie de nimic din acestea, ele sunt programate genetic sa cearã dragoste/iubire nu sa primeasca de la masculii beta/omega.

femeile cer siguranta materiala si fizica

Pe timpul când se facea armata rãzboi nu auzeai asa ceva, totusi femeile asteptau si cereau prin scrisori si griji de acasa barbatii lor.

e ceva normal, e ca cand mergeam la vanatoare

| RAY a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Males with the ability and willingness to provide resources are highly desirable to females. In our evolutionary past, this would have been demonstrated through the ability to provide food, shelter, and protection. In modern day humans, cues to high resource acquisition are presented in different ways. Cross-culturally, females show an increased preference for economic resources than do males, and those males who marry at a certain age tend to earn significantly more than males of the same age who do not marry.[16][17] As females often choose mates young, the amount of resources that they actually possess may be small. Therefore, females seek traits indicative of potential resource acquisition ability such as a good education, ambition, and career potential. If a male becomes unemployed or lazy, the female is far more likely to discontinue the relationship with them.[18] In fact, even clothing can act as a cue for sexual selection, with females being more willing to engage in relationships with men wearing high status clothing.[19]

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Also, women may form a more significant association between sexual desire and attachment than men.

Ce are intre picioare femeia este ce-a mai puternicã arma, si singura binenteles ca o fac doar pentru cei care pun atasament deoarece vor sã ii transforme in beta iubiti.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Cam aiurea, ele spun ca vor un alfa langa ele apoi le transforma in beta

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Vaginul este cel mai scump lucru din lucru si cel care da putere sexului feminin, nu e de mirare ca multe proaste ajung in sus doar pentru ca desfac picioarele si sunt frumoase

| BlueDark a răspuns:

Sunt 2 categorii de iubiti/iubite: il/o iubesti si te iubeste....Sau il/o iubesti si nu te iubeste.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Pantru ca prostesc alti barbati, care le vãd decât ca pe niste obiecte. Asa mai bine iti iei o femeie din silicon, decât o proastã care aratã bine.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):


abia astept sa se faca, multe fete/femei rad cand aud asta dar alea nu provoaca drame, nu sunt ipocrite, curve, prefacute cum sunt multe

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Stiu. Dar nu le judec cu manipularea, o fac doar pentru distractie multe. Nici nu au nevoie de jocuri pentru a le satisface dopamina când suntem noi, material de distractie si amuzament doar pentru ca stiu ca am face orice pentru sex.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Adevarate psihopate, nici nu stiu daca ele chiar simt iubirea cu adevarat sau doar se folosesc de noi din interes, si in natura femelele fac sex pentru hrana

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Femeile isi doresc total opusul când cer, manipuleaza isi doresc sa vadã Dacã nu picãm in plasã doar pentru a nu supãra.nu port picã pe nici una, mi-am dat seamã ca problema era la mine. Iar fetele când testeaza manipuleaza, chiar tin la acel baiat.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Ce ipocrite sunt https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/sex-robots-sexist-feminist-says-7373559
cica roboti sexuali inseamna misoginism, nu stiu cat tine la tine daca te manipuleaza sau asa e iubirea la unele

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru RAY):

Este atac al masculinitatii, multe feministe sunt asa deoarece vor sã devina Barbati, poartã urã pentru noi. De multe ori auzi fetitele când sunt mici "ce fain era daca eram baiat", pe un baiat nu auzi niciodatã sa zica ca vrea sa fie fatã.

| RAY a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Adica urasc ceea ce vor sa devina misto

| NietzscheFrumosSiDesteptSunt a răspuns:

O pierdere de timp, de nervi si de bani.
Asta, desigur, daca nu are aspiratii filosofice. Daca are, atunci e totul perfect si ceea ce am zis mai sus cade.

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