| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Am de facut un referat la engleza (in engleza evident) despre hobby-ul meu. Acesta ar fi muzica. Nu ma pricep cu traducerea... daca sunteti binevoitori sa ma ajutati cu un referat de genul (imi trebuie macar o pagina) ofer fundita :3

4 răspunsuri:
| Mihaela_Anna_1997 a răspuns:

My favorite hobby is music, because I find some songs. Music for me is a cand of soothing that I have to take every time I'm nervous or angry. When I listen to music I just forget about any annoyance, only so I can get over it. I like to play a lot of songs for a lively music.

| Mihaela_Anna_1997 a răspuns:

My favourite hobby is the music. When I sing I am feeling like an angel.My favourie cand of music is Pop.I like Justin Bieber, Adele and Justin Timberlake.They sing very good and I think that Adele is the best voice in the world.She is cand, talented, beautiful, funny, smart, friendly and cooperative.My favourite song is Stitches from Shawn Mendes.I love this song.I want to be a popular singer!
I love music!

| Mihaela_Anna_1997 a răspuns:

My favorite hobby is music. Ever since kindergarten I love very much to why I cant come to the high school of music.At the age of 7 years old I began to study cello and in 7th grade I took 1st place at the international competition. My parents were always beside me and helped me to successfully pass many obstacles. The teacher who taught me all I know is a lovely man and I hope that in the future to have the shows to come.Mì ' would like to win my bread from his son and a man famous in this area.

| Mihaela_Anna_1997 a răspuns:

Poti sa le traduci pe google translate!
ps. mult noroc!