| ekkk a întrebat:

Am nevoie de niste filme
vreau sa fie la categoria drama/actiune/romatism
sa fie in special cu dezastre naturale,sfarsitul lumi,tornade, indundati etc si sa includa cat mai mult supravieturirea

3 răspunsuri:
| ubhgyfytddtfhfgdf a răspuns:

Unde vei fi poimâine si dezastrul din San andreas

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| faramatania a răspuns:

Le temps du loup (2003),Quantum Apocalypse (2010),Deep Impact (1998),2012: Ice Age (2011),Into The Storm (2014),Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World (2012),Phase 7 (2011),Melancholia (2011),The Impossible (2012),The Day After Tomorrow (2004),The Road (2009),After The Dark (2013),Childeren Of Men (2006),The Rover (2014),San Andreas (2015),The 33 (2015),The 5th Wave (2016),The Finest Hours (2016),Christmas Icetastrophe (2014),Cell (2016)