| RoyJones a întrebat:

Ce cintece imi recomandati? mai precis imi trebuie cintece pentru telefon, sa le ascult la el.Am o nokia 6233.Astept raspunsuri. Ceva de genul acesta:
celor mai bune cintece dau un fundoi mare.

Răspuns Câştigător
| DjBebe a răspuns:

Aha, stiu cateva:pibull-i know you want me, all i ever wanted, bob magic/nothin' on you, bring me to life(nu prea seamana da.tongue)break your heart, commander, burning love, still, i like the trumpets, dynamite, getting over, love, replay, in my head, love the way you lie, lovely smile, Welcome to the club, memories, Monday, Morning after dard, mossano-indianotech, my life, pump it, Puya:Xameicandrim:X, be free, love is for free, kiss me thru the phone, alors on dans, sugar, low, lick shot, shake up the christmas, OMG, waka waka(this time for africa), airplanes.
Cred ca mai stiu cateva dar nu mi le amintescbig grin fundita?

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