| nick321 a întrebat:

Am windows 7 ultimate si mi-a aparut ca windows ul nu e genuine am incercat sa-l cracuiesc dar si am folosit mbr regenator ca sa mi-l dea ca si cand am 30 de zile te proba.
Acum am o problema cand intru pe google sau youtube imi apare "
You attempted to reach www.google.ro, but the server presented a certificate that is not yet valid. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate can be trusted. Google Chrome cannot reliably guarantee that you are communicating with www.google.ro and not an attacker. Your computer's clock is currently set to Thursday, October 3, 2013 5:25:32 PM. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.
You cannot proceed because the website operator has requested heightened security for this domain" inainte o rezulvam schimband data si ora dar acum imi zice ca Unable to continue You do not have permission to perfom this task.
Please cotact your computer administration for help.
Va rog ajutati-ma:(

Răspuns Câştigător
| robytoby a răspuns:

Daca nu ai licenta nu ai ce face, ai fost descoperit de producator.
Sfatul meu este sa folosesti Ubuntu se aseamana foarte mult cu Windows si este gratuit.

| nick321 explică (pentru robytoby):

Am reinstalat windows`ul big grin mersi de raspuns

| robytoby a răspuns (pentru nick321):

Nu ai pentru ce.
O zi frumoasa!

2 răspunsuri: