| racaru1987 a întrebat:

As dori si eu sa stiu cum pot sa lmi recuperez contul de pe youtube ca mi lau suspendat si nu stiu cum sa il recuperez ca cica am lncalcat deppturile si condtiile ex: Your access to this Google product has been suspended because of a perceived violation of either the Google Terms of Service or product-specific Terms of Service. For specific product guidelines, please visit the homepage of each Google product you're interested in for a link to its Terms of Service.

Google reserves the right to:

•Disable an account for investigation.
•Suspend a Google Account user from accessing a particular product or the entire Google Accounts system, if the Terms of Service or product-specific policies are violated.
•Terminate an account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.
If you believe your access to this product was suspended in error, contact us. deci va rog frumos ajutati-ma pentru mine e foarte inportant contact la id de mes cristi1987_unicatu

3 răspunsuri:
| w1NNNd a răspuns:

Si eu am patit la fel.laughing sper sa zica cineva ceva daca stie big grin

| Abh a răspuns:

N-ai de unde sa stii pana nu le trimiti un mail ca sa-i intrebi. Cauzele pot fi nenumarate.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Si eu am patit la fel... laughing