| Adalcisa a întrebat:

Buna TPU :*!
Am si eu o intrebare, de ce cand intru pe facebook, imi scriu ID`ul, parola si dupa dau "Log In" si-mi apara : Account Disabled
Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.
Dau pe here si-mi da : To be eligible for a Facebook profile, you must be at least 13 years old. Your account has been removed from the site as we have determined you are ineligible to maintain a profile at this time.

For more information about our policies, please review the Facebook Community Standards.

If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, please contact us.

Ce s`a intamplat?
Va rog, ajutati`ma puppy dog eyes!

1 răspuns:
| AdyHytPower a răspuns:

Acest cont nu functioneaza datorita varstei. pe facebook iti trebuie minim 14 ani din cate stiu eu dar poti avea parte si de o stergere din sistem a contului datorita unei poze interzise. BAFTA