| PulbereDeStea a întrebat:

Repet intrebarea, dar adaug unele detalii. Cum pot sa imi recuperez adresa de e-mail daca am uitat parola? Eu am incercat asa dar nu merge:

1.sign in to yahoo

2.I can`t access my account

3.I have a problem with my password

4.This protects your account from unauthorized access. My yahoo ID is: si scriu id meu

5.Please reset your password. Send an email to v*********@yahoo.com

6.Check the message sent to you at v*********@yahoo.com to find out what to do next.

Bun, merg si intru pe mail-ul de rezerva. Si aici:

1.am un mail care suna cam asa: You recently requested a password reset for your Yahoo! account. To create a new password, click on the link below:
Reset My Password
This request was made on November 17, 2013 at 05:12am PST.
Yahoo! Member Services

2.Dau pe link-ul reset my password

3. Enter a new password for your Yahoo! account. Si introduc parola noua de 2 ori caci asa cere

4.Dau next si imi scrie asa: Your password can’t be reset online.

For security reasons, you need contact Yahoo! Customer Care to help you reset your password.
If you used an alias or profile name, we recommend that you try again with the Yahoo! ID associated with the alias. If not, you can contact Customer Care to help reset your Yahoo! password.

Răspuns Câştigător
| neluL a răspuns:

Cand scrii noua parola, obligatoriu trebuie sa ai o majuscula (ASDFGHJKL)si o cifra in ea, minim 8 caractere parca. Exemplu de parola -> aM3rica_1O

| PulbereDeStea explică (pentru neluL):

Deci, va multumesc din tot sufletul meu. Vas da 100 de fundite, dar nu pot, doar 1.

| neluL a răspuns (pentru PulbereDeStea):

Have a nice day! wave bye, bye!

2 răspunsuri: