De obicei cand altcineva incearca sa intre pe id-ul tau si scrie diverse parole gresite acesta se blocheaza. Insa nu stiu care e numarul maxim de parole scrise pana sa se blocheze.
Id-ul isi revine dupa 24 ore parca
Acum nu stiu daca tu ai problema asta.
Salut! pai sunt mai multe posibilitati, sa vedem...
-ai caps lock-u activat
-cineva (hacker) ti-a spart parola(dar nu cred asa ceva)
-yahoo ti-a blocat contul(poate nu ai respectat termenii si conditiile)
-gandeste-te bine, poate ai spus parola cuiva
-e de la ei si poate maine iti va merge
-restarteaza Pc-ul
-descarca alt yahoo
-uitate daca ai conexiune la net
-sau unde scrie jos la yahoo (ti-ai uitat parola) apasa si ei iti vor trimite un mail cu o noua parola formata din cifre(ex: 342543)
-ori ce e mai greu:
Sper ca stii putina engleza. Urmeaza pasii happy
To configure Internet Explorer:
Close all applications including your web browsers.
Click "Start."
Select "Control Panel."
Click on "Network and Internet" then click "Internet Options." If the Control Panel is in classic mode, double-click "Internet Options."
Click the "Security" tab, then select "Trusted Sites."
Click "Default Level," then click "Sites."
Clear the check box option for "Require server verification (httpshappy for all sites in this zone."
In the "Add this website to the zone" field, enter the following:
Note: Please be sure to include the asterisk star in front of ""
Click "Add," then click "Close."
Select the "Privacy Tab" and click "Default" to ensure "Medium" is selected.
Click the "Advanced" tab (this is not the Advanced button).
Locate the "Browsing" category.
Select the following check box options:
Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)
Disable Script Debugging (Other)
Clear the following check box options:
Display a notification about every script error
Re-use windows for launching shortcuts
Select the "General" tab.
Click "Settings" in the section of "Browsing History."
Click the option marked "Every time I visit the webpage." Then click "OK."
Click "Delete" in the section of "Browsing History."
Click "Delete all" to delete the Temporary Internet Files and cookies from Internet Explorer (this is clearing your browser's "cache" of stored files).
Select the check box option for "Also delete files and settings stored by add-ons" and click "Yes" to remove your Temporary Internet Files.
Click "Apply," then Click "OK" to close the Internet Options window.
It is also possible that there may be an issue with the version of Java which you have installed on your system and you may need to update your version of Java.
To fix that, download and install java for Internet Explorer.
Am trecut prin multe, dar o problema ca asta nu am mai auzit si chiar nu stiu dc nu pot sa-i dau de cap.
Sincer nu stiu, mai cauta subiectul asta si pe alte forumuri.
Imi pare rau (a chiar, mai incearca si la alt Pc)
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