| Constantinescu_Andreea_1999 a întrebat:

Supeti-mi niste filme de groaza! (Dar sa ma speriu tare!)

5 răspunsuri:
| OnuOnulică a răspuns:

Creepshow (1982)
The Exorcist (1973)
White Noise (2005)
The Grudge (2004)
The Descent (2005)
Masque of the Red Death (2013)
Don’t Look in the Basement (1982)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

| faramatania a răspuns:

Insidious 1 și 2 (2010/2013),The Cabin In The Woods (2012),Wrong Turn (seria), Inbred (2011),Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013),Drag Me To Hell (2009),The Unborn (2009),Case 39 (2009),Martyrs (2008),The Mist (2007),The Wicked (2013),The Quiet Ones (2014),Oculus (2013),Friday The 13th (2009),Cabin Fever 1 și 2 (2002/2009),Haunted (Dark House 2014), Stitch (2014),The Woman In Black (2012),Sinister (2012),Haunt (2013),13 Sins (2014),Mischief Night (2014),Scary Or Die (2012),Catacombs (2007),Beneath The Darkness (2011),Beneath (2013),7500 (2014),The Descent (2005),The Strangers (2008),You're Next (2011),Deliver Us From Evil (2014),Jeepers Creepers (seria), Leprechaun: Origins (2014),Open Grave (2013),Modus Anomali (2012),Antiviral (2012),The Appearing (2014),Annabelle (2014),The Canal (2014),Animal (2014),Devil's Due (2014),Rosemary's Baby (2014/miniserie),The Babadook (2014),Aux yeux des vivants (2014)

| Eastwood a răspuns:

Salut, nu am sa incep sa-ti insir 100 de filme si din toate alea numa 3 sa bune : REC(doar unu si doi)
-The Others(daca nu vezi pe asta nu te numesti om)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose(un film cu exorcizare foarte bun cam cel mai bun cu exorcizari)
-The Ring 1, 2(ia-le pe rand, ok)
-The Woman in black 2012(trebuie vazut)
-(Room) 1408(un horror si practic ce mi-e nu mi s-a parut horror, o sa te uimesti de actorii pe ii are, e ft bun filmul)
-no sa-ti mai comentez la urmoatoarele ca nu are rost ca eu iti dau numai bunaciunci de filme
-The Shining
-The Strangers
-Jeeper Creepers

Vizionare placuta!

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

The Conjuring (2013)
The Awakening(2011)
One Missed Call (2008)
Mirrors (2008)
Mirrors 2 (2010)
Drag me to hell (2009)
Silent Hill (2006)
The Others (2001)
The Univited (2009)
The Unborn (2009)
Insidious (2010)
Insidious:Chapter 2 (2013)
The Possession (2012)
Evil Dead (2013)
The Mist (2007)
Dead Birds (2004)
House of Wax (2005)
The Exorcist (1973)
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
The Amityville Horror (2005)
A Tale Of Two Sisters (2003)
Quarantine (2008)
Grave Encounters (2011)
The Descent (2006)
The Orphanage (2007)
Jeepers Creepers (2001)
Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)
Friday The 13th (2009)
The Last House on The Left (2009)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The Skeleton Key (2005)
28 Days later (2002)
28 Weeks later (2007)
The Shining (1980)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
They (2002)
Alone (2007)
30 Days Of Night (2007)
30 Days Of Night: Dark Days (2010)
Case 39 (2009)
seria Saw
seria Poltergeist
The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
The Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007)
The Messengers (2007)
seria Paranormal Activity
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Shutter (2004)
The Echo (2008)
The Haunting in Connecticut[2009]
The Haunting In Connecticut 2 (2013)
seria REC
seria The Omen
seria The Grudge
The Ring (2002)
The Ring Two (2005)
The Ward (2010)
seria Wrong Turn

Ti-am recomandat toate filmele astea pentru ca le-am vazut, nu le-am scris din auzite si garantez ca sunt ''crema'' filmelor de groaza.

| Mendard81 a răspuns:

Heii, esti din Sighisoara nu? Si eu. Hmm uitate la " SAW " sunt 7 parti. Mie una mi se pare cel mai de groaza film pe care l-am vazut. Nu stiu daca o sa te poti uita, nici eu nu am putut sa ma uit la toate partiile.