| gabrielvas1901221 a întrebat:

Salut, m-am apucat de creatina si am auzit ca dupa 8 saptamani de luat constant creatina trebuie sa fac pauza 1-3saptamani dupa sa iau iar, am auzit ca te umfli de la asta, e adevarat?

6 răspunsuri:
| sadrian46 a răspuns:


| Xox0 a răspuns:

Dauneaza la rinichi. Si 8 saptamani e multicel.

| SkandallKamataru a răspuns (pentru Xox0):

De unde ai luat informatia asta? E cel mai bine studiat supliment din lume.
Daca tu imi gasesti un articol care spune ca dauneaza eu promit ca iti fac cadou un gift card de 500 lei MARK MY WORDS.

| SkandallKamataru a răspuns:

E cel mai safe supliment din lume si cel mai bine studiat, ITI RECOMAND ca de acum inainte cand ai vreo intrebare de genul, sa cauti pe google articole sau pe Youtube clipuri in special in engleza si o sa te convingi singur, nu cere aici informatii ca vin inculti si dezinformati si te dezinformeaza si pe tine.

| Xox0 a răspuns (pentru SkandallKamataru):

Am vorbit din propria mea experienta. Am luat creatina timp de 2 ani si am inceput sa am probleme cu rinichii, iar endocrinologul mi-a indicat sa ma opresc pentru o perioada dupa care sa iau o doza mica cu intreruperi cu toate astea, m-am lasat de tot, deoarece m-am panicat.

Ai dreptate ca acest supliment este benefic, iar eu repet: am scris raspunsul din propria experienta, nu per general. Sunt insa multe studii nefinalizate despre creatina pros si cons. Studii cu rezultate optimiste, da sunt nenumarate, iar daca esti o persoana sanatoasa, normal ca te bazezi pe ele. Dar cum sunt studii pozitive, sunt si negative cu care eu una, relatez, si recomand persoanei care a pus intrebarea, sa se bazeze pe indicatiile medicului, nu Youtube-ului si a surselor de pe net.

After 7 days of creatine loading, or a further 14 days of creatine maintenance dose, serum T levels did not change. However, levels of DHT increased by 56% after 7 days of creatine loading and remained 40% above baseline after 14 days maintenance (P < 0.001). The ratio of DHT:T also increased by 36% after 7 days creatine supplementation and remained elevated by 22% after the maintenance dose

"Other side effects of long-term use of creatine supplements include muscle cramps, dehydration, diarrhea, nausea, and seizures"

"Although research is underway…" "People with kidney problems also should never take creatine supplements"

"Creatine may be a slight help to athletes who need sudden bursts of power but the effects are unlikely to be large. It appears reasonably safe but people who have a history of kidney dysfunction or who are taking drugs that affect kidney function should avoid creatine supplements"

"At recommended doses, creatine is considered "likely safe" to consume"

" However, one study, published in 2012, cautioned that Trusted Source
the "safe and ethical" status of creatine supplements could change: ‘The perception of safety cannot be guaranteed," the authors add, "Especially when administered for long periods of time to different populations’ "
"They also advise caution for people with:
* deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
* electrolyte disorders or imbalances
* gastrointestinal disorders
* irregular heartbeat
* kidney stones or liver disease
* migraines
* low blood pressure when standing up
* bipolar disorder "

Bipolar disorder: Creatine might make mania worse in people with bipolar disorder.
Kidney disease: Creatine might make kidney disease worse in people who already have kidney disease. If you have kidney disease, speak with a healthcare professional before using creatine.
Parkinson disease: Caffeine and creatine taken together may make symptoms of Parkinson disease worse. If you have Parkinson disease and take creatine, use caffeine with caution.

Sample doses are below. You should ask your doctor to help determine the right dose for you.
An example of a typical loading dose in exercise performance (for adults ages 19 and older): Take 5 g of creatine monohydrate, 4 times daily (20 g total daily) for 2 to 5 days maximum.
Maintenance dose in exercise performance (for adults ages 19 and older): Take 2 g daily.

Rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue) and sudden kidney failure was reported in one case involving an athlete taking more than 10 grams daily of creatine for 6 weeks.
People with kidney disease, high blood pressure, or liver disease should not take creatine.

May Cause Gastrointestinal Distress

Possible Kidney Interactions
Since then, studies have shown that when taken at the recommended dosage, creatine does not cause kidney damage or dysfunction in people without previous or underlying kidney issues. (10) These studies were done on healthy individuals and the effect of creatine on people with kidney issues is currently unknown.
Some limited data note that it may not be advisable for people with pre-existing kidney dysfunction to supplement with creatine, but more research is needed. (11)


Taking creatine for an extended period of time, meaning longer than 8 weeks, lessens the positive effect creatine has on your body. Essentially it becomes pointless to continue to supplement with creatine.

| SkandallKamataru a răspuns (pentru Xox0):

Am inteles, foarte bine ca fata de majoritatea userilor tu chiar ai stat si ai cautat informatia, DAR, spune clar ca aceasta creatina poate avea efecte adverse doar in cazul in care ai deja probleme mari cu rinichii si ai pietre la rinichi, nu se spune nimic de indivizii sanatosi ----> din ce mi-ai trimis tu
"Kidney disease: Creatine might make kidney disease worse in people who already have kidney disease. If you have kidney disease, speak with a healthcare professional before using creatine"

Cand chiar ai probleme serioase cu rinichii, creatina e ultimul lucru de care sa-ti faci griji si e normal sa agraveze pentru ca e filtrata de rinichi, DAR, in acest caz si cafeaua iti poate agrava situatia foarte mult, la fel si consumul de alcool de orice fel, la fel si sarea, la fel si consumul lactatelor, fructelor, carnii, pana si consumul de apa 2.5-3l iti poate afecta starea.
Nu vreau sa te critic dar ce mi-ai dat tu aici e echivalent cu: Esti fumat, esti drogat aproape de supradoza, esti nedormit de 2 zile, si nu te urci la volan de frica ca iti ia politia permisul pe motivul ca ai mancat o bomboana cu lichior acum 3 ore laughing