| mastermage1 a întrebat:

Cum pot sa ajung gm la metin2 as dori sfatul unui expert

Răspuns Câştigător
| Lixu_8075 a răspuns:

Am auzit numarii porccarii pana acum...
fii atent iti voi spune exact ce trebuie sa faci chiar si fara euro.
1. Dai klik pe shop item( cel cu euro) dai pe inelul de crestere de 5 ori siti va aparea in inventar pentru 30 days
2. Asta trebuie sa faci in fiecare luna iti trebuie min o lune si max trei ca sa ajungi dar poti si in prima luna daca te duci in V2 si aduni yang
Dupa e ai bani multi dai 3-4kk ca sa te faca unul de la 40 pana la 60-70
Apoi e simplu de la lvl 65 te duci in padurea rosie cu un buffer si stai la copaci in 5 min faci un lvl acolo
ai nev de mult red si de inel de krestere(obligatoriu) Funda?

418 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Trebuie sa ajungi la level 99 atunci vei fi GM

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

GRESIT LA TOTI EU SUNT GM si trebuie sa: 1. poti sa ai si lv 1 2.sa intri pe forum sa cauti cereri GM. 3.Acolo iti da exemplu cum sa faci cererea. 4.scrii tot ce scrie la ex si comp 5.tre sa ai peste 18 ani (minti ca ai 40 sau.) 6.sa ai exp in joc mai mult de 1000 minute 7.scrii motivul dk vrei sa devi 8. daca te alege esti GM

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Fi lvl 100 si nitreabal pe gm sati dea gm

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Care parola e casa mergi repede

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

SAL. o sa-ti raspund la aceasta intrebare:trebuie sa ai 18 ani, trebuie sa completezi un formular, trebuie sa vorbesti fluent engleza, romana si alte limbi

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Nu trebuie neaparat sa aveti 18 ani ca sa deveniti GM aveti nevoie de doua programe si gata. esti GM!

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Pai nu-s expert, dar mai bine chemi pe cineva expert care poate sa instalese sau sa creieze un sv privat de MT2

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Mai apucativa de mt2 era, dinamik, gx sunt toate super smechere si daca nu ma credeti dati add la id de mess radu_m3_radu pentru cei care se apuca de era am lv 93 cresc pe gratis pentru informatii add id mess v-am spus id succes in cresterebig grinhee hee

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Sa sti ca sa fi gm la metin2 brebe sa treci toate levalele dupa aia intri la magazinul b. c. v. 123 sa cumperi sabia 90 +

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Multi tampiti pe netu asta doamne impuscativa dracul si lasatine frate credeti ca toti noobi pot fi gm ca sa fi gm trebuie sa dai bani ma nu orice sarac poate sa fie care sta 10 min la pc ca plateste mult la curent asa ca lasatine dracul cu aberatiile astea de lv 99 si alte din astea... va pwpa Jan

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Numai daca cresti poti devenii gm si atunci poti sa scrii niste coduri si iti da armuri sau arme etc. fiindca si eu am un cont leonis danyellasest si am lvl 99 deci sunt gm

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Da! 1-3 cu cainii, 3-5 lupii, 5 iti iei magie corp mai ales la razboinic si 5-12 te bati cu ursii, 12-20 cu amazoanele soldat din bakra, 20-30 cu salbaticii din bakra, 30-35 cu orcii, 35-40 in desertul ala mare, 40-50 te bati la maimute in temnita superioara, 50-60 pe muntele sohan si vezi sa provoci mai multi deodata, 60-90 in tara de foc si ai grija ce faci acolo apoi de la 90 vei vedea ce se va intampla si vei stii unde sa te lupti pana la 100(GM). pa pa

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Daca puteti sa ma cresteti sa fiu si eu un gm ca ar fi tare
si sa am armura si tot +7

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Pai uitete prin videoclipurile lui adryyy2

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Sall! am un cont de Gm facut doar cu Hack-ul! daca ai vrea sa fi Gm trebuie sa ai lvl 98 maxim si downloadezi Hack-ul "hack Gm mt2.ro Kissers4 versiunea aa doua! sunt un expert in hack-uri si ma stiu la calculatoare! asculta sfatul meu!

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Ba voi chiar suneti prosti? crezi ca se ajunge asa usor gm pe metin2 ro abia ajungi pe un metin privat da... pe metin 2 ro pentru asta trebuie aprobare de le geforce pentru ca jocul este al lor nu al unui om oare care asa ca mai terminati naiba cum *** sa ajunzi gm pe metin 2ro eu am sv de metin si sunt vreo 4000 player si sunt doar 2 gm pentru ca nu se ia asa usor gm
contactati-ma la id alberto_georgian_2006 pentru a va da mai multe detalii

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

E o prostie daca jucati metin2 ro.Eu joc metin2 united.In united incepi de la lv 30.Acolo avansezi intr-o zi pana la lv 100 si mai faci mai repede si 200KK. Jucatil si voi pentru ca acolo nu trebuie sa cumperi monede dragon pentru ca gasetit totul pe jos si la vanzatori.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Cauta pe YouTube ex: cum te faci GM
da in fine eu n-am reusit da poate tu poti
Si sa mai stii ceva
Daca joci metin2 ro sa stii ca iti da ban astia
GM mere doar pe PServer (Private Server)

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Ok dar cum imi fac un server? cu hamachi? de unde il iau?

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Sa va explic ceva am fost GM si pe private si pe oficiale.1)nu tre sa ai lv99 poti sa ai si lv 1. 2)comportate frumos cu ceilalti playeri si cand cere unu iteme la GM date mare si zi si u ca GM nu da iteme,bani,... si ca cererile de GM se fac pe forum.3)daca ajungi Gm rolling on the floor tre sa sti coduri de GM.4)nu,cum te vezi GM te duci in map 1 si arunci iteme pe jos sau bagi metinuri ca sa creasca playeri.5
)respecti celalalti GM/GA si playeri.de ex:vine un player langa tine si te injura.nu incepi sa il injuri si u i dai frumos ban sau ii opresti cheat
acum va dau codurile de GM.
ge own level = "/level {level}"

make yourself invisible = "/in"

polymorph = "/poly {MonsterID}"

GM announcement = "/n {message}"

OX style GM announcement = "/b {message}

attract mobs to yourself = "/pull" or "/pull all"

summon your horse = "/horse_summon"

get full HP and MP "/r"

movement speed increase = "/mspd {0 - 1000}"

change to day or night = "/x1" for night and "/x2" for day

delete all items in your inventory "/ip"

spawn a monster = "/m {monster ID}" ( optional: "/m {monster ID} {number of monsters to spawn}" )

create an item = "/i {item ID}" (optional: "/i {item ID} {number of items to create}

delete mob(s) or npc(s) in your immediate area = "/purge"

delete all mobs and npcs in your current map = "/purge all"

teleport a player to you "/t {player name}"

teleport to another player = "/w {player name}"

kill a player = "/kill {player name}"

faint a player for a while = "/stun {name}"

slow a player for a wihle = "/slow {name}"

kick a player = "/kick {player name}"

block chat of a player = "/block_chat {name} {seconds}" (300 = 5 minutes, 1800 = 30 minutes, 3600 = 1 hour = 1 hour, 36000 = 10 hours, 259200 = 72 hours)

view chatblocked players = "/block_chat_list"

set rank points = "/set {name} align {number of points}"

horse leveling = "/set horse_level {name} {level}"

add gold to a player's inventory = "/set {name} gold {amount of gold}"

set a player's experience = "/set {name} exp {number}"

set a player's level = "/a {name} {level}"

set another player's skill levels = "/setskillother {mname} {skill ID} {59}" (59 is for P)

add HP to a character = "/set_maxhp {number}"

add MP to a character = "/set_maxmp {number}"

weaken nearby mobs to have only 1HP = "/weak"

view the guild wars = "/gwlist"

stop the guild wars (they need to have been running for atleast 6000seconds) = "/gwstop {ID} {ID}"

if you purged npc's and need to respawn the normal ones = "/reload cu"


GA Commands
/shutdown Usually it resets your Server,but my Server didn't work again after that.
/purge all All Mobs and NPC's around you disappear.

/reload [cu] Reloads all Mobs and NPC's.

/siege Something with Guildwars.

/reset Serverreset

Event Commands
They all start with /e
/e lotto_around

/e lotto_drop [value]

/ tran characters name calling (with a map to use), namely: to arrest people before you, no prompt to confirm each other.
/ sum character name calling (not with the use of a map), that is, calling people to the front of you without restriction map, necessary to confirm each other.
/ dc-player characters the name of Kick off the assembly line.
/ not the contents of all the map of the people can see, GM issued Notice the use of Games.
/ znot content with a map where people can see, ibid, effectively limited to the current map.
/ zreset
Usage: / zreset. / *
If the band parameters of the decimal point: "." Update their location map monster, such as a BOSS Brush once per hour, loaded with strange kill you, use this command, BOSS directly update.
If the parameters with an asterisk: "*" to update all maps monster.
/ mute禁言to prohibit the characters speak.禁言the abolition of the use of / u names.
Usage: / mute character name time 3600 to one hour. The default is one hour
/ u to restore the state of
Usage: / u user name and restore the user's state, including all the magic, skills, crime state (do not clear the crime value).
/ siege siege and opening up (after the opening can not be used), turn off siege: delete the current server directory siegetime.dat document, GM once again enter / siege will be the immediate abolition of siege.
/ castle / / open after the siege, use this command to observe.
/ gm GM stealth mode, enter the net once again switched to normal mode, or enter / u.
/ tree move coordinates. moving trees, do not coordinate directly with the current screen to clear all the trees.
/ shutdown a server restart.
/ a names grading / / such as: / a ymir 999.
/ pu / /杀怪, killing all the monsters on the current screen, NPC is not clear.
/ sets the name of names of persons skills or magic rating
/ set names figure str / / set up the power of people
/ set names dex figure / / set the agile
/ set names figure int / / set the intellectual
/ set names hp figure / / set the blood values
/ set names max_hp figure / / set the maximum value of blood
/ set names mp figure / / set the magic value
/ set names max_mp figure / / set the maximum magic value
/ set names race elf / / Variable Wizard
/ set names race dwarf / / Variable Dwarf
/ set names race sent / / Variable Shura
/ set name sex male / / changed man
/ set names sex female / / Variable female
/ mload strange or / m Quantity strange name or code / / brush strange
/ iload name or quantity of equipment and equipment code / / brush designated equipment
/ gload ID / / brush under the current map group.sc group within the definition of its monster.
/ itempurge empty the items a player (not including money), abbreviated: / it names.
/ skillban names.
The role of this command is: When a player does not add the corresponding Association, and the GM magic or skills directly to the brush out, the players will be the state of black is not available at this time only once again to join the Association, then GM Use this command to remove the black状态.
/ who. GM used to show line number and the number of the current map.
/ sh. equivalent to /!
/ nosh will not watch the news of others. Re-enter the abolition of shielding state.
/ clan showed assist information.
/ oload this command is used to brush the target. without the actual use of significance.
/ reload to reload the server parameters. monster parameters such as modified. use update.
Note: the current map of all the monsters will be the old parameters. Must re-Brush is a new set of parameters.
/ shop to manually update the number of items in stores.
/ castleking gang name: Master gang has a manually set.
/ castledamage siege parameter settings. without the actual use of significance.
/ resetquest names. This is a plug-in early to prevent the use of fishing the question set order, without the actual use of significance.
/ majiang Show mahjong Ranking.
/ uhuhu official genuine validation.
/ sneak characters name. used to enter the invisible state. For instance: You打怪, the blame can not you play. will penetrate.
/ excard this command as a means for trading on the official cards.
/ save or / save all, the former players will save the data manually. the latter manually save the current map data for all players.
/ marry and / divorce is marriage and divorce orders. necessary before use in the Great Angel.
/ lottery lottery manual.
/ quit Exit Game.

Ninja Arrows:

Wooden Arrow = 8000
Bamboo Arrow = 8001
Stone Arrow = 8002
Iron Arrow = 8003
Steel Arrow = 8004
Silver Arrow = 8005
Fire Arrow = 8006
Poison Arrow = 8007
Ice Arrow = 8008
Cursed Arrow = 8009

High Level Accessories:

Indian Bracelet = 70017
Phoenix Earings = 70018
Millionaires Necklace = 70019
Dragonskin Shoes = 15249
72703 Tigerbone Earings Attack rating +200
72704 Dragonbone Earings Defense +300
72705 Tigerbone Bracelet Resistance against Skilldamage +30%
72706 Dragonbone Bracelet Skilldamage +30%

Other NEW items:

Invisibility mirror = 70026
Note of the wise = 70028
Red nib = 70029
Red monocle = 70030
Note of the student = 70036
Fist of the disciple = 70041
Devils splitter = 70042
Horn of the sovereign = 70044
Tooth of the sovereign = 70045
Grail of the Dragongod = 70046
Doll of the goddess = 70001
Warpring = 70007
Warehouse bond = 70010
Bottle improve = 70011
Blood pill = 70015
Cheap hairbrush = 70016
Blessing of the Angel = 70021
Beras heart = 70022
Floor of the wise = 70023

P bonus Skill commands:

P Mining = "/setsk 124 50"
P Horse Summon = "/setsk 131 50"
P Leadership = "/setsk 121 50"
P Polymorph = "/setsk 129 50"
M1 Red Language = "/setsk 126 50"
M1 Yellow Language = "/setsk 127 50"
M1 Blue Language = "/setsk 128 50"
P Windchaser = "/setsk 137 59"
P Fling Charge = "/setsk 138 59"
P Round Strike = "/setsk 139 59"
P Multishoot = "/setsk 140 59" (ninjas only)
P Blacksmithing = "/setsk 125 59"
Military Horse (lvl21) = "/setsk 130 20"

Guild Skill codes:

/setsk 151 = Dragoneyes
/setsk 152 = Blood of the Dragongod
/setsk 153 = Benediction of the Dragongod
/setsk 154 = Holy armor
/setsk 155 = Speed-up
/setsk 156 = Rage of the dragongod
/setsk 157 = Magic help

Warp Commands:

Wasteland = "/go d"
Valkus = "/go f"
Wild Forest = "/go tr"
Red Wild Forest = "/go trent02"
Tangra = "/go s"
Nula = "/go t"
Forbidden Temple = "/go m"
Red Kingdom, Map1 = "/go a"
Red Kingdom, Map2 = "/go a3"
Yellow Kingdom, Map1 = "/go b"
Yellow Kingdom, Map2 = "/go b3"
Blue Kingdom, Map1 = "/go c"
Blue Kingdom, Map2 = "/go c3"
OX-Event = "/go ox"
v2 Beginning = "/warp 7050 4650"
Demontower Guard = "/warp 5910 1110"

P Skills :

Dragon Mage
Arch Thunder = "/setsk 91 59"
Dragon Shadow = "/setsk 92 59"
Dragon Shout = "/setsk 93 59"
Dragon Shield = "/setsk 94 59"
Reflect Damage = "/setsk 95 59"
Enchant Damage = "/setsk 96 59"

Heal Mage
Lightning Lance = "/setsk 106 59"
Lightning Strike = "/setsk 107 59"
Chain Lightning = "/setsk 108 59"
Natures Blessings = "/setsk 109 59"
Speed of Wind = "/setsk 110 59"
Natures Blessings = "/setsk 111 59"

Dagger Ninja
Ghost Attack = "/setsk 31 59"
Rapid Charge = "/setsk 32 59"
Getaway Flee = "/setsk 33 59"
Stealth = "/setsk 34 59"
Poison Nova = "/setsk 35 59"

Archer Ninja
Begone = "/setsk 46 59"
Multi-Shot = "/setsk 47 59"
Flame Arrow = "/setsk 48 59"
Dance With Wind = "/setsk 49 59"
Poison Arrow = "/setsk 50 59"

Black Magic Sura
Bloodrage = "/setsk 76 59"
Dark Fire = "/setsk 77 59"
Ritual Of Doom = "/setsk 78 59"
Aphotic Shield = "/setsk 79 59"
Entangle = "/setsk 80 59"
Shadow Bolt = "/setsk 81 59"

Mirage Sura
Rupture = "/setsk 61 59"
Twister = "/setsk 62 59"
Aura Of Sword = "/setsk 63 59"
Fear = "/setsk 64 59"
Aphonic Shield = "/setsk 65 59"
Remove Magic = "/setsk 66 59"

Partisan (Mental) Warrior
Slash = "/setsk 16 59"
Leap = "/setsk 17 59"
Stomp = "/setsk 18 59"
Might = "/setsk 19 59"
Fury = "/setsk 20 59"

Arahan (Body) Warrior
Frenzy = "/setsk 1 59"
Whirlwind = "/setsk 2 59"
Berserk = "/setsk 3 59"
Heroic Strike = "/setsk 4 59"
Charging = "/setsk 5 59"


Sword = 19
Long sword = 29
Crescent Sword = 39
Bamboo Sword = 49
Cane Sword = 59
Silver Sword = 69
Full Moon Sword = 299
Orchid Sword = 79
Bastard Sword = 89
Barbarian Sword = 99
Bloody Sword = 109
Great Sword = 119
Flying Wizard Sword = 129
Half Moon Sword = 139
Nymph Sword = 169
Battle Sword = 149
Exorcism Sword = 249
Sting Sword = 179
Demon Blade = 259
Poison sword = 189
Ghost Fang Blade = 159
Lion Sword = 199
Epic Edge = 209
Deadly Blade = 219
Heaven Sword = 239
Lunar Sword = 229
Baron sword = 269
Epic Battle Sword = 279
Holy Sword = 289

Glaive = 3009
Spear = 3019
Guillotine Blade = 3029
Spider Spear = 3039
Gisame = 3049
War Scythe = 3059
Red Iron Blade = 3219
Warlords Halberd = 3069
Halberd = 3079
Giant Axe = 3089
Glacial Peak = 3099
Twelve Spirit Sword = 3109
Salvation Blade = 3119
Lion Slayer = 3129
Partisan = 3139
Electromagnetic Blade = 3149
Soul Stealing Blade = 3159
Grudge Sword = 3169
Yellow Dragon Slayer = 3179
Blue Dragon slayer = 3189
Sun sword = 3199
Dragon God Blade = 3209

Copper bell = 5019
Silver Bell = 5029
Golden Bell = 5039
Antique bell = 5129
Jade Bell = 5049
Fountain Bell = 5059
Apricot Bell = 5069
Magical Bell = 5079
Golden Bug Bell = 5089
Steel Bug Bell = 5099
Heaven and Earth Bell = 5119
Thunderbird Bell = 5109
Bamboo Bell = 5139
Reaper Bell = 5149
Dragon Bell = 5159
Hibiscous Bell = 5169

Fan = 7009
Iron Fan = 7019
Black Tiger Fan = 7029
Crane Wing Fan = 7039
Peacock Fan = 7049
Aquatic Fan = 7059
Autumn Wind Fan = 7169
Stone Fan = 7069
Ocean Fan = 7079
Sting Fan = 7089
Phoenix Fan = 7099
Triple Fan = 7109
Fury Fan = 7119
Heavenly Bird Fan = 7139
Sun Fan = 7129
Salvation Fan = 7149
Ecstasy Fan = 7159
Eight Fan = 7179
Lying Dragon Fan = 7189
Demon Fan = 7199

Dagger = 1009
Amija = 4009
Cobra Dagger = 1019
Scissors Knives = 1029
Nine Blades = 4019
Short Knife = 4029
Black Leaf Dirk = 1179
Happiness meter = 1039
Cat Bite Knife = 1049
Devil Mask Dagger = 1059
Devil Fist Dagger = 1069
Bloody Dagger = 1079
Rib Knife = 1089
Chakram = 1099
Dragon Knife = 1109
Lightning Knife = 1119
Siamese Knife = 1129
Devil Wing Chakram = 1139
Epic Dragon Knife = 4049
Sawtooth Knife = 1149
Sun Rays Knife = 1159
Rivulet Knife = 1169
Gemini Moon Dagger = 4039

Bow = 2009
Long Bow = 2019
Composite Bow = 2029
Battle Bow = 2039
Horseback Bow = 2049
Horseback Battle Bow = 2059
Antler Bow = 2159
Copper Crafted Bow = 2069
Zerstörungsbogen = 2079
Red Eye Bow = 2089
Black Ruin Bow = 2099
Bull Horn Bow = 2109
Unicorn Bow = 2119
Giant Wing Bow = 2129
Divine Apricot Bow = 2139
Yellow Dragon Bow = 2149
Yellow Devil Bow = 2169
Steel Crow Bow = 2179
Blue Dragon Bow = 2189
Ghost Bow = 2199


8060 Paramount Bow
8050 Bow of Heaven
2190 Ghost bow
3230 Zin-Blade
510 Metallplate-Blade
9030 Broadsworf of darkness
7230 Dragon heart blade
8090 Desert sword
8080 Aqua Knife
9010 Mad bell
8030 Demoncial Bow
8040 Bow of anger
7500 Bustersword
3240 Tribalsword
3250 Oblivion Stickle
900 Club
910 Zin-daggers
310 Thors hammer
320 Dragonsword
330 Dexonsword
340 Elias blade
350 Goliath sword
360 Neoplyth blade
370 Senshi blade
380 Gjostsword
390 Titan sword
400 Halfmoon blade
410 Exotheken axe
420 Nypthonsword
440 Excalibur
450 Devils club
460 Fairy sword
470 Big broadsword
500 Ox tooth blade
520 Execution blade
530 Dartiol lick
550 Katanasword
560 Two iron blade
570 Dragondevils bell

ZIN (nothing special) :

30301 Sa-Gui Tower Map
30302 Zin-Sa-Gui Tower Map
30303 Bong-In Key
30304 Zin-Bong-In Key


Traditional Helm = 12209
Iron Helm = 12229
Ghost Mask Sallet = 12249
Leather Hood = 12349
Chain Hood = 12369
Steel Hood = 12389
Bloody Helm = 12489
Mocking Helm = 12509
Castle Helm = 12529
Monk Hat = 12629
Phoenix Hat = 12649
Sunlight Hat = 12669

Battle Shield = 13009
Pentagon Shield = 13029
Black Round Shield = 13049
Falcon Shield = 13069
Buddhist Tiger Shield = 13089
Lion Edge Shield = 13109
Dragon Scale Shield = 13129
Bloody Crust Shield = 13149
Dreikaiserschild = 13169
Three Kingdom Shield = 13189

Wooden Earings = 17009
Copper Earings = 17029
Silver Earings = 17049
Golden Earings = 17069
Jade Earings = 17089
Ebony Earings = 17109
Pearl Earings = 17129
White Gold Earings = 17149
Crystal Earings = 17169
Amethyst Earings = 17189
Heaven's Tear Earings = 17209

Wooden Bracelet = 14009
Copper Bracelet = 14029
Silver Bracelet = 14049
Gold Bracelet = 14069
Jade Bracelet = 14089
Agate Bracelet = 14109
Pearl Bracelet = 14129
White Gold Bracelet = 14149
Crystal Bracelet = 14169
Amethyst Bracelet = 14189
Heaven's Tear Braclet = 14209

Leather Shoes = 15009
Bamboo Shoes = 15029
Wooden Shoes = 15049
Gold Threaded Shoes = 15069
Polished Silver Boots = 15089
Golden Shoes = 15109
Bronze Shoes = 15129
Jade Shoes = 15149
Ecastatic Boots = 15169
Nimbus Boots = 15189
Phoenix Boots = 15209
Firebird Shoes = 15229

Wooden Necklace = 16009
Copper Necklace = 16029
Silver Necklace = 16049
Golden Necklace = 16069
Jade Necklace: = 16089
Agate Necklace = 16109
Pearl Necklace = 16129
White Gold Necklace = 16149
Crystal Necklace = 16169
Amethyst Necklace = 16189
Heaven's Tear Necklace = 16209


Monk Plate = 11209
Iron Plate = 11219
Tiger Plate = 11229
Lion Plate = 11239
Mortal Plate = 11249
Dragon Scale Plate = 11259
Blue Scale Plate = 11269
Gold Scale Plate = 11279
Dragon God Plate = 11289
Steel Plate Armor = 11299

Requiem = 11609
Wizard Mail = 11619
Misfortune Mail = 11629
Ghost Face Mail = 11639
Ying-Yang Mail = 11649
Dark Mystic Mail = 11659
Nebulous Mail = 11669
Ghost Plate Mail = 11679
Spirit Plate Armor = 11689
Magic Plate Armor = 11699

Azure Suit = 11409
Ivory Suit = 11419
Crimson Suit = 11429
Flying Tiger Suit = 11439
Dragon Suit = 11449
Assassins Suit = 11459
Young Dragon Suit = 11469
Killer Wind suit = 11479
Fuschia Suit = 11489
Black Wind Suit = 11499

Azure Tunic = 11809
Turquoise Tunic = 11819
Goldweave Tunic = 11829
Amorous Tunic = 11839
Black Silk Tunic = 11849
Solar Tunic = 11859
Moral Tunic = 11869
Dreamwalker Tunic = 11879
Baroness Tunic = 11889
Black Tunic = 11899

King Armors:

Warrior King = 11971
Sura King = 11973
Ninja King = 11972
Mage King = 11974

Special Armors:

11300: Flexibility (lvl 5)
11301: Flexibility (lvl 11)
11302: Good Stamina
11303: Weak armor
11304: Enemies wall (lvl 34)
11305: Intelligence
11306: Soldiers
11307: Better shoes
11308: Enemies wall (Lvl 71)
11309: Stamina of other enemies

Gang-Ryoung-Gab(lvl 5) 11700
Guek-Hon-Gab(lvl 11) 11701
Ha-An-Gab(lvl 17) 11702
Bi-Sang-Gab(lvl25) 11703
Ya-Sang-Gab(lvl 34) 11704
Noe-Un-Gab(lvl 43) 11705
Zoek- Rang-Gab(lvl 51) 11706
Heuk-Sin-Gab(lvl 62) 11707
Ma-Sin-Gab(lvl 71) 11708
Ma-Ryoung-Sin-Gab(lvl 80) 11709

Gang-Ma(lvl 5) 11500
Zung-Seon(lvl 11) 11501
Chung-Zin(lvl 17) 11502
Ho-Young(lvl25) 11503
Young-Seon(lvl 34) 11504
Su-Sin(lvl 43) 11505
O-Gyo(lvl 51) 11506
Bi-Pung((lvl 62) 11507
Zoek- Hyoun(lvl 71) 11508
Ho-Gu(lvl80) 11509

Aqua Clothes(lvl 5) 12000
Aqua Clothes(lvl 11) 12001
Aqua Clothes(lvl 17) 12002
Aqua Clothes(lvl25) 12003
Aqua Clothes(lvl 34) 12004
Aqua Clothes(lvl 43) 12005
Aqua Clothes(lvl 51) 12006
Aqua Clothes(lvl 62) 12007
Aqua Clothes(lvl 71) 12008
Aqua Clothes(lvl 80) 12009

Animal Armors:


Warning: animal armors is invisible in inventory but looks pretty good when you equip it

Special Armors 2 (so stupid) :

9001 Warrior
9002 Ninja
9003 Sura
9004 Mage

Fishing-Rod and Pick-axe:

Pick-axe: 290101-29110
Fishing-rod: 27400-27590


Raid:+0: 28030;+1: 28130;+2: 28230;+3: 28330;+4: 28430

Death:+0: 28031;+1: 28131;+2: 28231;+3: 28331;+4: 28431

Fresh:+0: 28032;+1: 28132;+2: 28232;+3: 28332;+4: 28432

Miss:+0: 28039;+1: 28139;+2: 28239;+3: 28439;+4: 28439

Rebel:+0: 28033;+1: 28133;+2: 28233;+3: 28333;+4: 28433

Slayer:+0: 28034;+1: 28134;+2: 28234;+3: 28334;+4: 28434

Sura:+0: 28035;+1: 28135;+2: 28235;+3: 28335;+4: 28435

Mage:+0: 28036;+1: 28136;+2: 28236;+3: 28336;+4: 28436

Monster:+0: 28037;+1: 28137;+2: 28237;+3: 28337;+4: 28437

Dodge:+0: 28038;+1: 28138;+2: 28238;+3: 28338;+4: 28438

Magic:+0: 28040+1: 28140+2: 28240+3: 28340;+4: 28440

Vita:+0: 28041;+1: 28 41;+2: 28241;+3: 28341;+4: 28441

AC:+0: 28042;+1: 28142;+2: 28242;+3: 28342;+4: 28442 (Defence stone)

Haste:+0: 28043;+1: 28143;+2: 28243;+3: 28343;+4: 28443

Special stones:

Stone of Massacre+0 = 28000
+1 = 28100 (Average damage resistance 100%)
+2 = 28200 (Magic resistance 100%)
+3 = 28300 (Sword defense 100%)

Stone of Paranoia+0 = 28004
+1 = 28104 (Reistsance against Skilldamege 100%)
+2 = 28204 (Magic resistance 70%)
+3 = 28304 ( Sword defense 70%)

Stone of Trauma+0 = 28008
+1 = 28108 (Average damage resistance 50%)
+2 = 28208 (Magic resistance 50%)
3+ = 28308 (Sword defense 50%)

Stone of silliness+0 = 28012
+1 = 28112 (Resistance against Skilldamage 50%)
+2 = 28212 (Magic resistance 30%)
+3= 28312 (Sword defense 30%)

Others/upgrade Stuff:

Christmas Fireworks: 50106
Barley: 30000
Letter: 30001 / 30117 / 30142
Fried sausage: 30002
Pig nose: 30003
Tusker tooth: 30004
Piece of broken armor: 30005
Orktooth: 30006 with +: 30078
Orkamulet: 30007 with+: 30076
Esoteric fibula: 30008 with+: 30078
Unknown Medicine: 30009 with+: 30083
Bear gall: 30010 with+: 30071
Clew: 30011
Whine bottle: 30012
Alcohol jar: 30013
Yeti coat: 30014 with+: 30089
Demon keepsake:30015 with+: 30086
Demon gem: 30016 with+: 30087
Ornamental hairpin: 30017
Red hairband: 30018
Flaming mane: 30019
Peach seed: 30020
Piece of Jewel: 30021
Snake tail: 30022 with+: 30082
White Tigerskin: 30023
Horse tail: 30024
Spider gift bag: 30025
Wolf gut: 30026
Wolf skin: 30027 with+: 30070
Wolf claw: 30028 with+: 30069
Wolf liver: 30029
Rusty rapierblade: 30030
Ornament: 30031
Black Uniform: 30032 with+: 30074
Broken Porcelain: 30033
White Hairband: 30034 with+: 30073
Mysterious Herb: 30036
Tiger claw: 30037
Tigerskin: 30038
Piece of fabric: 30039 with+: 30085
Leaf: 30040
Shuriken: 30041 with+: 30075
Tusk of a Tiger: 30042
Bean: 30043
Loam: 30044
Skorpion needle: 30045
Skorpion tail: 30046 / 30105 with+: 30081
Curse collection: 30047 with+: 30080
Piece of Ice: 30048 with+: 30088
Iceball: 30050 with+: 30090
Unknown Talisman: 30051 with+: 30079 / 30084
Flag: 30052
Bears footskin: 30053 with+: 30072
Wedding ring: 30054
Skorpion scissors: 30055
Spiderweb: 30056
Spider eyes: 30057
Spider egg bag: 30058
Spider legs: 30059
Frog tongue: 30060
Frog side piece: 30061 / 30116
Medicine key: 30062
Skin medicine: 30063
Sharp stone: 30064
Bell: 30065 / 30119
Sharp pepper: 30066
Snake skin: 30067
Tofusteak: 30068
Warrior symbol: 30091
Spoils of war: 30092
Ariyoungs wedding ring: 30101
Golden axe of the Forger: 30102
Golden Orktooth: 30103
Desert spider web: 30104 / 30109
Medicament for Yu-Rang: 30106
Ork tusk: 30107
Letter from Huahn-So: 30110
Esoteric writings: 30113
Plague: 30114
Cure of the Plague: 30115
Piece of a Map: 30120 - 30128
Request from the Horseman: 30129
Empty Bottle: 30130
Letter from the Forger: 30131
Uriels Book: 30132
Flower shoes: 30133
Uriels parcel: 30134
Ariyoungs Letter: 30135
Decorated Bow: 30136
Monkeyblood: 30137
Desert sand: 30138
Ork back tooth: 30139
Sewing Thread: 30140
Gem: 30141
Medical herb: 30143
Liver of a Tiger: 30144
Balsos Medicine: 30145
Clump of Ice: 30146
Temple teach: 30147
Tempel scarf: 30148
Diary page: 30150
Wolfcoat: 30151
Medicine: 30152
Flowers: 30153
Secret temple book: 30154 / 30156
Mirines pendant: 30155
Arrowhead: 30157
Rice cake: 30158
Clothes: 30159
Memo: 30160
Lance from the Husband: 30161
Dabber: 30163
Translation of the curse collection: 30164
Zelkova knob: 30165
Tugyis Blackboard: 30166
Note of the Plage King: 30168
Empty Bottle (Speed+30): 50901
Recipe: 50903


Purple: 50100
Yellow: 50101
Blue: 50102
Red: 50103
Green: 50104
White: 50105
Christmas fireworks: 50106
Chinese fireworks: 50107


Peach blossom juice: 50801
Flowerbell juice: 50802
Gango-root juice: 50804
Lilac juice: 50805
Mulberry juice: 50808
Dandelion juice: 50809
Thistle juice: 50810
Sam-Zi sap: 50812
Sim-Water: 50813
Dok-Water: 50814
Bo-Water: 50815
Young-Water: 50816
Zin-Water: 50817
SamBo-Water: 50818
Mong-Water: 50819
Hwal-Water: 50820
Red Dew: 50821
Pink Dew: 50822
Yellow Dew: 50823
Green Dew: 50824
Blue Dew: 50825
White Dew: 50826
Recipe Sim-Water: 50905
Recipe Dok-Water: 50906
Recipe Bo-Water: 50907
Recipe Young-Water: 50908
Recipe Zin-Water: 50909
Recipe Hwal-Water: 50910


Red Potts (G) = 27003
Blue Potts (G) = 27006
Red Potion (K) = 27001
Red Potion (M) = 27002
Blue Potion (K) = 27004
Blue Potion (M) = 27005
Green Potion (K) = 27110
Green Potion (M) = 27111
Green Potion (G) = 27112
Purple Potion (K) = 27113
Purple Potion (M) = 27114
Purple Potion (G) = 27115

Horse stuff:

Horse Medal = 50050
Horse Sword = 50051
Armed Horse Book = 50052
Military Horse Book = 50053
Hay = 50054
Carrot = 50055
Ginseng = 50056
Pony Herb = 50057
Armed Herb = 50058
Military Herb = 50059
Horse Tome = 50060
Horse Summon Book = 50061


Mining book: 50600
Diamantarch: 50601
Amber: 50602
Fossil bole: 50603
Copperarch: 50604
Silverarch: 50605
Goldarch: 50606
Jadearch: 50607
Ebonyarch: 50608
Piece of Pearl: 50609
White gold arch: 50610
Crystalarch: 50611
Amethystarch: 50612
Heavens tear arch: 50612
Diamant: 50621
Amber: 50622
Fossil wood: 50623
Copper: 50624
Silver: 50625
Gold: 50626
Jade: 50627
Ebony: 50628
Pearl: 50629
White gold: 50630
Crystal: 50631
Amethyst: 50632
Heavens tear: 50633


Sun-zi-warfare: 50301
Wu-zi-warfare: 50302
WiLiao-zi warfare: 50303
Mastery combo: 50304
Masterful combo book: 50305
Mission book (easy): 50307 / 50318
Mission book (normal): 50308 / 50319
Mission book (hard): 50309 / 50320
Mission book (expert): 50310 / 50321
Shinsoo-Language: 50311
Chunjo-Language: 50312
Jinno-Language: 50313
Polymorph Book: 50314
Advanced Polymorph Book = 50315
Master Polymorph Book : 50316
Misson book (Test): 50317

Ebony boxes:

Red: 50109
Prunk: 50110
Yellow: 50111
Light green: 50112
Green: 50113
Blue: 50114
Purpure: 50115

Helpful other stuff:

Soul stone: 50513
Rainbow stone: 50512
70102 Zen Bean
Leopard Pill 71050 +60 Speed
Windshoes 72701
Smoking 11901 / 11902
Wedding dress 11903 / 11904
Scroll of the City: 22000
Compass of the Metin stone: 27989
100% TP%MP Potts 71052
Windshoes+ 72702
Attackspeedpott 71034 & 27112

Fish / clams / Pearls:

27600 Campfire
27610 Fish bowl
27620 Fishery Book
27799 Fishbone
27800 Paste
27801 Worm

27802 Small fish
27803 Zander
27804 Mandarinfish
27805 Big Zander
27806 Carp
27807 Salmon
27809 Brown trout
27810 Eel
27811 Rainbow trout
27812 River trout
27813 Rudd
27814 Perch
27815 Tenchi
27816 Cat fish
27817 Loach
27819 Ayu
27820 Stint
27821 Shiri
27822 Mirror carp
27823 Goldfish

27987 Clam

27990 Piece of Stone

27992 White Pearl
27993 Blue Pearl
27994 Red Pearl

Item shop stuff:

Exorcism Scroll = 71001
Stats Reset = 71002
Third Hand = 71010
Emotion Mask = 71033
Luitao = 71012
Experience Ring = 71015
Thief Glove = 71016
DragonGod Life = 71027
DragonGod Attack = 71028
DragonGod Intelligence = 71029
DragonGod Defense = 71030


Enchant Scroll = 71085
Blessing Marble = 70024
Enchant Change Scroll = 71084
6&7 Bonus Scroll = 71051
6&7 Bonus Change Scroll = 71052

Boss boxes:

Chief Orc = 50070
King Spider = 50073
Queen Spider = 50074
Desert Tortoise = 50076
Nine-Tails = 50077
Ghost Tiger = 50078
Flame King = 50079
Red Dragon = 50080
Demon King = 50081
Reaper = 50082

Hair Styles:

Warrior (M)
74001; Fashionable Hairstyle (red)
74002; Fashionable Hairstyle (Bright)
74003; Fashionable Hairstyle (blue)
74004; Fashionable Hairstyle (brown)


74009;Long hair (black)
74010;Long hair (red)
74011;Long hair (brown)
74012;Long hair (green)

Ninja (w)
74251; Ponytail (brown)
74252; Ponytail (green)
74253; Ponytail (blue)
74254; Ponytail (bright)

74255;Shoulderlong hair (red)
74256;Shoulderlong hair (brown)
74257;Shoulderlong hair (bright)
74258;Shoulderlong hair (purple)

74259;Short Haircut (red)
74260;Short Haircut (blue)
74261;Short Haircut (black)
74262;Short Haircut (blonde)

Sura (M)
74501; Athletic Hairstyle (bright)
74502; Athletic Hairstyle (brown)
74503; Athletic Hairstyle (blonde)
74504; Athletic Hairstyle (green)

74505; Charisma Hairstyle (white)
74506; Charisma Hairstyle (rot)
74507; Charisma Hairstyle (black)
74508; Charisma Hairstyle (purple)

74509; Long Pigtail (white)
74510; Long Pigtail (blue)
74511; Long Pigtail (black)
74512 Long Pigtail (brown)

Mage (W)
74751; Classy Hairstyle (brown)
74752; Classy Hairstyle (black)
74753; Classy Hairstyle (blue)
74754; Classy Hairstyle (bright)

74755;Half-lenght Hair (brown)
74756;Half-lenght Hair (black)
74757;Half-lenght Hair (blonde)
74758;Half-lenght Hair (purple)

74759; Old Headdress (brown)
74760; Old Headdress (bright)
74761; Old Headdress (purple)
74762; Old Headdress (red)

Warrior (W)
75001; Fashionable Hairstyle (red)
75002; Fashionable Hairstyle (bright)
75003; Fashionable Hairstyle (blue)
75004; Fashionable Hairstyle (brown)


75009;Long Hair (black)
75010;Long Hair (red)
75011;Long Hair (brown)
75012;Long Hair (green)

Ninja (M)
75201; Ponytail (brown)
75202; Ponytail (green)
75203; Ponytail (blue)
75204; Ponytail (bright)

75205; Shoulderlong Hair (rot)
75206; Shoulderlong Hair (brown)
75207; Shoulderlong Hair (bright)
75208; Shoulderlong Hair (purple)

75209; Short Haircut (red)
75210; Short Haircut (blue)
75211; Short Haircut (black)
75212; Short Haircut (blonde)

Sura (W)
75401; Athletic Hairstyle (bright)
75402; Athletic Hairstyle (brown)
75403; Athletic Hairstyle (blonde)
75404; Athletic Hairstyle (green)

75405; Charisma Hairstyle (white)
75406; Charisma Hairstyle (red)
75407; Charisma Hairstyle (black)
75408; Charisma Hairstyle (purple)

75409; Long Pigtail (white)
75410; Long Pigtail (blue)
75411; Long Pigtail (black)
75412; Long Pigtail (brown)

Mage (M)
75601; Classy Hairstyle (brown)
75602; Classy Hairstyle (black)
75603; Classy Hairstyle (blue)
75604; Classy Hairstyle (bright)

75605; Half-lenght Hair (brown)
75606; Half-lenght Hair (black)
75607; Half-lenght Hair (blonde)
75608; Half-lenght Hair (purple)

75609; Old Headdress (brown)
75610; Old Headdress (bright)
75611; Old Headdress (purple)
75612; Old Headdress (red)

Skill Books:

Arahan (Body) Warrior:
50401 Frenzy
50402 Whirlwind
50405 Berserk
50404 Heroic Strike
50403 Charging

Partisan (Mental) Warrior:
50416 Slash
50417 Leap
50418 Stomp
50419 Might
50420 Fury

Dagger Ninja:
50431 Ghost Attack
50432 Rapid Charge
50433 Getaway Flee
50434 Stealth
50435 Poison Nova

Archer Ninja:
50446 Begone
50447 Multi-Shoot
50448 Flame arrow
50449 Dance with wind
50450 Poison Arrow

Mirage Sura:
50461 Rupture
50462 Twister
50463 Aura of Sword
50464 Fear
50465 Aphonic Shield
50466 Remove Magic

BM (Black Magic) Sura:
50476 Bloodrage
50477 Dark Fire
50478 Ritual of Doom
50479 Aphotic Shield
50480 Entangle
50481 Shadow Bolt

Dragon Mage:
50491 Arch Thunder
50492 Dragon Shadow
50493 Dragon Shout
50494 Dragon Shiled
50495 Reflect Damage
50496 Enchant Damage

Heal Mage:
50506 Lightning Lance
50507 Lightning Strike
50508 Chain Lightning
50509 Natures Blessings
50510 Speed of Wind
50511 Natures Blessings

Metin Scrolls:

/item 71080 (easy)
/item 71081 (normal)
/item 71082 (heavy)


• xmas_snow 1 snow.
• xmas_snow 0 to stop the snow.
• xmas_song 1 Christmas carols start.
• xmas_song 0 end Christmas carols.
• xmas_boom 1 night began, • fireworks business there.
• xmas_boom 0 end of the night, • the end of the fireworks business.
• xmas_tree 0 Christmas off.
• xmas_tree 1 first stage of a Christmas tree.
• xmas_tree 2 the second phase of a Christmas tree.
• xmas_tree 3 third phase of a Christmas tree.
• xmas_santa 1 Santa Claus began.
• xmas_santa 0 Santa Claus ended.

Other updates:

50084 = Keystone
Foundation Stone: 90010
Bole: 90011
Ply wood: 90012
Engagement ring: 70301

Monster IDs:

Wild Dog = 101
Hungry Wild Dog = 171
Wolf = 102
Hungry Wolf = 172
Alpha Wolf = 103
Hungry Alpha Wolf = 173
Blue Wolf = 104
Hungry Blue Wolf = 174
Alpha Blue Wolf = 105
Hungry Alpha Blue Wolf = 175
Grey Wolf = 106
Hungry Grey Wolf = 176
Alpha Grey Wolf = 107
Hungry Alpha Gray Wolf = 177
Boar = 108
Hungry Wild Boar = 178
Red Boar = 109
Hungry Red Boar = 179
Bear = 110
Hungry Bear = 180
Grizzly Bear = 111
Hungry Grizzly Bear = 181
Black Bear = 112
Hungry Black Bear = 182
Brown Bear = 113
Hungry Brown Bear = 183
Tiger = 114
Hungry Tiger = 184
White Tiger = 115
Hungry White Tiger = 185
Black Wind Soldier = 401
Black Wind Archer = 403
Black Wind Jak-To = 404
Black Wind To-Su = 405
Black Wind Gu-Ryung = 406
Black Storm Soldier = 431
Mahon = 491
Goe-Pae = 493
Chuong = 494
Savage Infantry = 501
Savage Maniac = 502
Savage Archer = 503
Savage General = 504
Raging Savage Infantry = 551
Raging Savage Maniac = 552
Raging Savage Archer = 553
Raging Savage General = 554
Brutal Infantry = 531
Orc = 601
Elite Orc Scout = 602
Elite Orc Fighter = 603
Elite Orc Sorcerer = 604
Elite Orc General = 635
Black Orc = 636
Black Orc Giant = 637
Chief Orc = 691
Dark Chief Orc = 692
Esoteric Fanatic = 701
Esoteric Arahan = 702
Esoteric Fighter = 703
Esoteric Tormentor = 706
Esoteric Summoner = 707
Proud Esoteric Fanatic = 731
Proud Esoteric Arahan = 732
Proud Esoteric Fighter = 733
Proud Esoteric Tormentor = 736
Proud Esoteric Summoner = 737
Brutal Esoteric Fanatic = 771
Brutal Esoteric Arahan = 772
Brutal Esotertic Fighter = 773
Brutal Esoteric Tormentor = 776
Brutal Esotertic Summoner = 777
Dark Leader = 791
Dark Spirit Leader = 792
Dark Elite Leader = 793
Elite Spirit Leader = 794
Plagued Spirit = 901
Plagued Dog = 902
Plagued Man = 903
Evil Plagued Swordsman = 904
Evil Plagued Spearman = 905
Evil Plagued Archer = 906
Evil Plagued Leader = 907
Demon Soldier = 1001
Demon Archer = 1002
Demons Fighter = 1003
Magical Demon = 1004
Common Soldier = 1031
Common Archer = 1032
Common Spear Fighter = 1033
Spirit Of Chaos = 1036
Common Spirit Soldier = 1061
Common Spirit Archer = 1062
Common Spirit Spear Fighter = 1063
Demonic Beast = 1071
Demon King = 1091
Proud Demon King = 1092
Grim Reaper = 1093
Blue Reaper = 1095
Enchanted Ice = 1101
Ice Killer Whale = 1102
Ice Bug = 1103
Ice Lion = 1104
Ice Man = 1105
Ice Yeti = 1106
Ice Golem = 1107
Heavens Ice Horse = 1131
Heavens Ice Killer Whale = 1132
Heavens Ice Bug = 1133
Heavens Ice Man = 1135
Heavens Ice Golem = 1137
Enchanted Sky Ice = 1171
Evil Ice Killer Whale = 1172
Evil Ice Bug = 1173
Evil Ice Lion = 1174
Evil Ice Man = 1175
Evil Ice Yeti = 1176
Evil Ice Golem = 1177
Ice Witch = 1191
Large Ice Witch = 1192
Tree Frog Soldier = 1301
Tree Frog Leader = 1302
Ghost Tiger = 1304
Bullfrog General = 1305
Nine-Tails = 1901
Elite Nine-Tails = 1902
Metin Of Sorrow (lv 5) = 8001
Metin Of Combat (lv 10) = 8002
Metin Of Battle (lv 15) = 8003
Metin Of Greed (lv 20) = 8004
Metin Of Black (lv 25) = 8005
Metin Of Darkness (lv 30) = 8006
Metin Of Jealousy (lv 35) = 8007
Metin Of Soul (lv 40) = 8008
Metin Of Shadow (lv 45) = 8009
Metin Of Toughness (lv 50) = 8010
Metin Of Devil (lv 55) = 8011
Metin Of Fall (lv 60) = 8012
Metin Of Death (lv 65) = 8013
Metin Of Murder (lv 70) = 8014
Red Shit Stone (lv 0) = 8020
Blue Shit Stone (lv 0) = 8021
Red Shit Stone (lv 0) = 8022
Beacon (lv100) = 11506
Baby Spider = 2001
Poison Spider = 2002
Red Venom Spider = 2003
Soldier Spider = 2005
Baby Poison Spider = 2031
Venom Claw Spider = 2034
Venom Soldier Spider = 2035
Small Venom Spider = 2061
Deadly Poison Spider = 2062
Venom Claw Spider = 2064
Queen Spider = 2091
King Spider = 2092
Desert Fox = 2101
Desert Eye = 2102
Scorpian King = 2103
Scorpian Man = 2104
Snake Swordsman = 2105
Snake Archer = 2107
Desert Tortoise = 2191
Flame Tiger = 2201
Flame Spirit = 2202
Fighting Tiger = 2203
Flame = 2204
Flame Warrior = 2205
Flame King = 2206
Red Dragon = 2291
Tree Spirits = 2301
Ghost Stump = 2302
Dyrad = 2303
Evil Tree = 2305
Ghost Tree Giant = 2306
Red Ghost Tree = 2311
Red Ghost Stump = 2312
Red Dyrad = 2313
Red Willow Ghost = 2314
Red Evil Tree = 2315
Pirate Tanaka (Lv1) = 5001
Hae-Tae = 5002
Monkey Boss = 5003
Pirate Tanaka (Lv80) = 5004
Poor Monkey Soldier = 5101
Poor Monkey Thrower = 5102
Poor Monkey Fighter = 5103
Poor Monkey General = 5104
Monkey Soldier = 5111
Monkey Thrower = 5112
Monkey Figher = 5113
General Monkey = 5114
Giant Stone Monkey = 5116
Strong Monkey Soldier = 5121
Strong Throwers Monkey = 5122
Strong monkey Fighter = 5123
Strong monkeys General = 5124
Strong Leader Monkey = 5127
Monkey Lord = 5163
Giant Destroyer = 1401
Giant Axeman = 1402
Giant Thousands-Fighter = 1403
Giant Stone Golem = 1501
Giant Ogre Warrior = 1601
Giant Ogre Butcher = 1602
Giant Ogre Berserker = 1603
Village Gaurd = 11100
Santa = 20031
Blue Dragon = 2493
Zin-Heaven Komandant = 2494
Sky Soldier = 2401
Sky King Soldier = 2402
Spiritual Heaven = 2403


Mirine = 20006
Ocatvio = 20008
Sage = 20011
Fisherman = 20013
Weapon Vendor = 9001
Armor Vendor = 9002
Trade Vendor = 9003
Banker = 9005
Old Lady = 9006
Berserker = 11101
Blacksmith = 20016
Lin = 20084
Tyrax = 20091
Stable Boy = 20349

Yellow empire:
ID 20320 Arahan Warrior-Teacher
ID 20321 Partisan Warrior-Teacher
ID 20322 Dagger Ninja-Teacher
ID 20323 Archer Ninja-Teacher
ID 20324 Mirage Sura-Teacher
ID 20325 BM Sura-Teacher
ID 20326 Heal Mage-Teacher
ID 20327 Dragon Mage-Teacher

Blue Empire:
ID 20300 Arahan Warrior-Teacher
ID 23001 Partisan Warrior-Teacher
ID 23002 Dagger Ninja-Teacher
ID 23003 Archer Ninja-Teacher
ID 23004 Mirage Sura-Teacher
ID 23005 BM Sura-Teacher
ID 23006 Heal Mage-Teacher
ID 23007 Dragon Mage-Teacher

Red empire:
ID 20340 Arahan Warrior-Teacher
ID 20341 Partisan Warrior-Teacher
ID 20342 Dagger Ninja-Teacher
ID 20343 Archer Ninja-Teacher
ID 20344 Mirage Sura-Teacher
ID 20345 BM Sura-Teacher
ID 20346 Heal Mage-Teacher
ID 20347 Dragon Mage-Teacher


ID 20007 Banker
ID 20349 Stable Boy
ID 20029 Pony
ID 20030 Horse
ID 20010 Dealer
ID 20080 Uriel

20086-3rd Trade Vendor.
20087-2nd Soon.
20089-Pung-Ho,he takes you to the Spiderdungeon 2.
20090-A Surawomen without any Function.
20091-Orkvalley Sura.
20092-Another Surawomen without any Function.
20095-Wise Man


/open || Starts Ox Event
/priv_empire 0 1:item_drop 1000 24 || Item dropp for every Empire 1000% higher (24 hours)
/priv_empire 0 2:gold_drop 1000 24 || Yang dropp for every Empire 1000% higher (24 hours)
/priv_empire 0 4:exp 1000 24 || 1000% more experience for every Empire. (24 hours)

Finish Ox Event:
/e oxevent_status 0

Start the empire battle.

/e threeway_war 1

/e threeway_war_dead_count 5
/e threeway_war_kill_boss_count 1
/e threeway_war_kill_count 200
/e threeway_war_mob_count 150

[These are very important]

/e threeway_war_open_gate1 1
/e threeway_war_open_gate2 1
/e threeway_war_open_gate3 1

Finish the Empire battle.
/e threeway_war 0


Diamantstreak = 20047
Amberstreak = 20048
Fossil wood streak = 20049
Copperstreak = 20050
Silverstreak = 20051
Goldstreak = 20052
Jadestreak = 20053
Ebonystreak = 20054
Clampack = 20056
Crystalstreak = 20057
Quartzstreak = 20058
Heaven's tear streak = 20059


Diamantalchemist = 20060
Amberalchemist = 20061
Fossil wood alchemist = 20062
Copper alchemist = 20063
Silveralchemist = 20064
Goldalchemist = 20065
Jadealchemist = 20066
Ebonyalchemist = 20067
Pearlalchemist = 20068
White gold alchemist = 20069
Crystalalchemist = 20070
Quartzalchemist = 20071
Heaven's tear alchemist = 20072

Mini item update:

50024 Rose
50025 Chocolate
25041 = Magic Metal
Bar 50K : 80003
Bar 100k : 80004
Bar 500k : 80005
Bar 1kk : 80006
Bar 2kk : 80007

Zombie monster:

25001 zombie_god
2501 zombie_god
2598 zombie_god
2502 zombie_diseased_dog
2501 zombie_diseased_kid
2503 zombie_diseased_infector
2504 zombie_diseased_sword
2505 zombie_diseased_spear
2506 zombie_diseased_bow
2507 zombie_diseased_boss
2508 zombie_soldier_scythe
2509 zombie_soldier_bow
2510 zombie_magician
2511 zombie_soldier_spear
2512 zombie_bigboss
2513 zombie_ghost
2514 zombie_general
2541 zombie_soldier_scythe
2542 zombie_soldier_bow
2543 zombie_magician
2544 zombie_soldier_spear
2445 zombie_bigboss
2446 zombie_ghost
2447 zombie_general

New mobs:

2601 naga_warrior
2602 naga_mage
2603 naga_commander
2604 naga_soldier
2605 gnoll_warrior
2606 gnoll_commander
2607 gnoll_helhound
2608 gnoll_mage
2609 gnoll_minotaur
2610 troll_argus
2611 troll_commander
2612 troll_mage
2613 troll_warrior

Streak scrolls :

71057 = Fossil wood streak
71058 = Copperstreak
71059 = Silverstreak
71060 = Goldstreak
71061 = Jadestreak
71062 = Ebonystreak
71063 = Clampack
71064 = White gold streak
71065 = Crystalstreak
71066 = Quartzstreak
71067 = Heaven's tear streak

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Ca sa devii GM trebuie sa intri pe metin2ro, sa intri pe forum sa-ti faci contul pe forum si scrie ceva pe acolo de GM si apesi pe el si completezi un formular si peste 2 saptamani iti va veni un mail ascultama siu am facut asta si am devenit GM

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Fa-ti un privat cu hamachi si acolo sigur esti GM si pui ce vrei la NPC faci Gm pe cine vrei ii super

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Oke asta-i ii simplu din ce ati zis voi dar cine tie sa faca un server. privat sa dea ad la id:max_jmecheru_2007 va rog. Multumesc pentru intelegere.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Nu stiu cum te faci GM. dar ai un cont de lv 30 care sa mi-l dai mie? te rog frumos plzzzzzzzzzzzz

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Bai ca sa fii GM nu trebuie sa ai lv 99 si tot +9 pe tine ba.Tre sa ai min 18 ai si sa stii sa joci mt... a da ...si sa fii cisntit.Si voi astia de 11-12 ani visati in continuare ca nu o sa jungeti gm niciodata daca te milogestiwinking

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Trebuie sa ai 1kk si cal armat si armura de lv 67

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Poi pe metin2 ro ajungi greu, dar astazi imi fac eu un server si daca te pricepi as putea sa te aleg ca si gm!

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Pti dona euro sau poti sa ati creezi propriul server de metin si atunc sigur vei fu GM happy

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Pai nu stiulaughing))

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Vreau sa ma fac GM pe metin2

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