| ImNotTMK a întrebat:

Hei.Cred ca nu mai toti stiti de trupa coreeana SHINee,dar intrebarea este pentru cei care au auzit de ei big grin
Ce semnifica numele de "SHINee"?
Dau funda, mersi! :3

Răspuns Câştigător
| erzabadgirl08 a răspuns:

De pe un blog am gasit semnificatiile numelor membrilor SHINee
SHINee Analysis - Meanings Of SHINee Member’s Names

Here are the ones I made for Exo, Beast, B.A.P, Infinite and BtoB. No guarantee that everything is correct since the meaning of characters can differ in chinese, korean and japanese. I just interpreted it the way I seemed fit, so please don’t take this as 100% perfect. In order of age.


Birthname: 李珍基 (Lee Jinki)

Surname: Lee (李) -> family name, the hanja means plum

Given name: Jinki (珍基) | Jin (珍) -> precious, valuable, rare | Ki (基) -> foundation, base, fundamentals

Meaning: Valuable foundation (Somebody you can rely on)


Birthname: 金鐘鉉 (Kim Jonghyun)

Surname: Kim (金) -> family name, the hanja means gold

Given name: Jonghyun (鐘鉉) | Jong (鐘) -> bell, chimes | Hyun (鉉) -> device for carrying a tripod, handles of a kettle

Meaning: Bell and handles (?)


Birthname: 金基范 (Kim Kibum)

Surname: Kim (金) -> family name, the hanja means gold

Given name: Kibum (基范) | Ki (基) -> foundation, base, fundamentals | Bum (范) -> hanja without special meaning (can be a surname or bee-like insect though)

Meaning: The fundamental


Birthname: 崔珉豪 (Choi Minho)

Surname: Choi (崔) -> family name, the hanja means high, towering

Given name: Minho (珉豪) | Min (珉) -> a stone resembling jade | Ho (豪) -> brave, heroic, chivalrous, overpowering,  great

Meaning: Brave, jade-like stone (A person which is valuable and brave)


Birthname: 李泰民 (Lee Taemin)

Surname: Lee (李) -> family name, the hanja means plum

Given name: Taemin (泰民) | Tae (泰) -> great, exalted | Min (民) -> people, subjects, citizens

Meaning: Great people

2 răspunsuri:
| Crucified a răspuns:

Semnifică prostie.

| ShawolSkehehdanfdldi a răspuns:

,,SHINee'' vine de la,, shine'' (stralucire)