| FULgaa26 a întrebat:

Salut. Am 14 ani vreau să mă apuc de sală adică am fost cam jumătate de lună acum m-am oprit mi am luat niste gantere și fac acasă vreau sa știu dacă pot face lean bulk fara sa merg la sală

6 răspunsuri:
| SkandallKamataru a răspuns:

Poti face cu ajutorul chalistenicelor, dar doar cu gantere nu o sa faci nimic, trebuie sa faci flotari cu greutati, tractiuni, exercitii pentru biceps, triceps, antebrate, picioare etc... foloseste-te de greutati intr-un mod inteligent.
Si da poti face dar e important sa te antrenezi cum trebuie, daca nu te antrenezi, poti sa mananci tu ce vrei ca nu o sa ai rezultate.

| Violleta2022 a răspuns:

SALA este interzisa copiilor in crestere, fiindca blocheaza hormonii de crestere!

La 14 ansiori nu ai nevoie de sala, ci de un sport care sa-ti stimuleze cresterea precum: volei, handbal, baschet sau inot.


| SkandallKamataru a răspuns (pentru Violleta2022):

La link-ul pe care l-ati distribuit, ati vazut ce a postat doamna doctor la descrierea clipului? A distribuit link-ul cu sursa studiului.
ca sa va fie mai usor sa vedeti.

Ati citit ce scrie in acel studiu? Este in engleza, v-am subliniat ce spune acel articol: https://imgur.com/a/yNP8T5Z

Vreti sa va traduc la concluzia studiului?
"Încărcarea mecanică a osului este importantă pentru fiziologia plăcii epifizare. Exercițiile fizice au o funcție sănătoasă asupra creșterii normale a acestei importante caracteristici biomecanice. Din punct de vedere clinic, efortul excesiv sub formă de încărcare sporită pe placa de creștere epifizară creează o leziune ideală."

Spune ca e important sa se puna stres mecanic pe os, adica sa ridici greutati, si ca exercitiile cu greutati au o functie sanatoasa asupra cresterii.
Practic doctor aia e o mare dobitoaca, pune un studiu medical in care se sustine faptul ca e sanatos sa ridici greutati, iar in clip spune ca nu e sanatos laughing Am avut dreptate in tot acest timp, ridicatul greutatilor nu opreste cresterea.

| SkandallKamataru a răspuns (pentru Violleta2022):

Si inca ceva, cand incerci sa dai click pe comentarii, te baga pe Instagram la postare, iar cand se deschide link-ul, scrie ca postarea a fost stearsa :)) Au sters postarea pentru ca au spus o informatie falsa si apoi au realizat ca nu era adevarata si ca au gresit.

Ce spune men's health, o revista licentiata distribuita in peste 40 de tari? https://www.menshealth.com/......nt-growth/

Ca nu opreste cresterea.

Ce spune Healthline, o retea de peste 150 de medici? https://www.healthline.com/health/does-lifting-weights-stunt-growth
Ca nu opreste cresterea.

Ce spune libraria nationala in link-ul trimis de doamna doctor? Ca nu opreste cresterea.
Ce spune din nou LIBRARIA NATIONALA de MEDICINA intr-un nou articol?

Ca atat timp cat exercitiile se executa supervizat si cu forma corecta cu greutati pe care copiii le pot controla, NU OPRESTE CRESTEREA.

Ce spune Mayo Clinic? https://www.mayoclinic.org/......t-20047758
Ca e doar un mit si nu opreste cresterea.

Ce spune acest kinetoterapeut sportiv profesionist? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JtCWq1M5qY
Ca nu opreste cresterea in inaltime.

V-am trimis studiile medicale si articole avizate scrise de profesionali si avizati medicali, e doar un mit ca opreste cresterea.

| Violleta2022 a răspuns (pentru SkandallKamataru):

Sunt si studii care spun ca afecteaza cresterea copilului... ridicarea greutatilor.

Vad ca-i recomandat pentru copii sa-si INTAREASCA muscultaura NU sa ridice greutati.
"Strength training, not weightlifting!
Don't confuse strength training with weightlifting, bodybuilding or powerlifting. Trying to build big muscles can put too much strain on young muscles, tendons and areas of cartilage that haven't yet turned to bone, called growth plates. Also, being more focused on lifting large amounts of weight than on form can make strength training riskier.

For kids, light weights and controlled movements are best. Using good form and being safe are most important.

Children can do many strength training exercises using their own body weight or resistance tubing. Free weights, machine weights and medicine balls are other options. But keep in mind that some equipment designed for adults might be too large for many children.

What can kids get out of strength training?
Done right, strength training can:

Increase children's muscle strength.
Help protect children's muscles and joints from sports injuries.
Help children do better in nearly any sport.
Teach children proper form.
Keep in mind that strength training isn't only for athletes. Even for children who don't want to play sports, strength training can:

Strengthen bones.
Help promote healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Help maintain a healthy weight.
Help kids feel good about themselves.
Increase physical activity overall.
When can a child begin strength training?
During childhood, being active improves kids' body awareness and control and their balance. Strength training can become a part of a fitness plan as early as age 7 or 8.

Younger children who start sports activities such as baseball or soccer also might benefit from strength training. To strength train, children should be able to follow directions and practice proper form.

The Department of Health and Human Services says that school-age children should get 60 minutes or more of daily activity. As part of this activity, muscle- and bone-strengthening exercises are suggested at least three days a week.

For children who have an interest in strength training, remind them that strength training is meant to increase muscle strength and endurance. Increasing muscle size, also called bulking up, is something else.

You might also check with your child's healthcare professional for the OK to begin a strength training program. Be sure to check with your child's healthcare professional if your child has a known or suspected health problem, such as a heart condition, high blood pressure or seizures.

What's the best way to start a strength training program for kids?
A child's strength training program isn't just a scaled-down version of an adult program. Here are some things you can do to help your child train safely:

Talk with a professional. Start with a coach or personal trainer who has worked with youth to strength train. The coach or trainer can create a safe strength training program that works based on your child's age, size, skills and sports interests. Or enroll your child in a strength training class for kids.
Keep watch. Don't let your child strength train alone. It's important to have an adult who knows how to strength train oversee your child's program.
Keep it fun. Help your child vary the routine to prevent boredom.
Urge your child to:

Warm up and cool down. Your child should begin each strength training session with 5 to 10 minutes of light aerobic activity. This could be walking, jogging in place or jumping rope. This warms the muscles and prepares them for harder activity.

Each strength training session should be followed with 10 to 15 minutes of light aerobic activity and gentle stretching. This helps keep blood flowing to the muscles during recovery.

Keep it light. Kids can safely lift light adult-size weights. Children can try to do one or two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions with good form. If they can't do 10 repetitions, the weight might be too heavy.
Focus on good form. Form and technique are more important than the amount of weight your child lifts. Children can increase the resistance or number of repetitions little by little as they build strength.
Rest between workouts. Make sure your child rests at least one full day between exercising each major muscle group. Major muscle groups are the legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms.
Results won't come overnight. But in time, your child will have more muscle strength and be able to work the muscles harder."


| SkandallKamataru a răspuns (pentru Violleta2022):

Ce spune studiul asta am spus si eu: "being more focused on lifting large amounts of weight than on form can make strength training riskier"
"For kids, light weights and controlled movements are best. Using good form and being safe are most important."
Atat timp cat ai forma corecta, poți ridica(acum nu vorbim de sute de kg, vorbim de niste greutăți pe care le poti ridica fara sa fie prea grele), iar asta e valabil la toti, si un adult se poate accidenta daca nu se incalzeste si se arunca la cele mai grele greutati, cand el nu are forma buna.
Si spune ca copiii pot incepe inca de la 7-8 ani aceste antrenamente in range-ul de 8-12 repetari a doua seturi.
"Keep it light. Kids can safely lift light adult-size weights. Children can try to do one or two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions with good form. If they can't do 10 repetitions, the weight might be too heavy"

Chestia asta o face si un adult in sala, eu ma antrenez in range-ul asta de ani de zile. Ca copil e normal ca in loc de 8-12 repetari pana la epuizare, ai riscul de accidentare mult mai mare daca te bagi sa ridici 200 kg si poti face 1-2 repetari... Tot ce e sub 4 repetări e riscant si nu trebuie facut de un copil.