| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Ce inseamna Photoshop "extended" sau "not extended"?

Răspuns Câştigător
| NLS a răspuns:

Era o chestie valabila pentru versiunile mai vechi, gen CS6.

Photoshop CS3 through CS6 were also distributed in two different editions: Standard and Extended.

Extended avea niste chestii in plus fata de versiunea standard:

Photoshop Extended version has 3D features, you can easily convert a simple text to 3d using repoussé...
Apart from 3D features Photoshop Extended has many more extra features link Image analysis, Motion content editing etc

In ziua de azi nu mai exista, versiunile CC (Creative Cloud) incepand cu anul 2013 fiind livrate pe baza de abonament lunar,
o data la 6 luni se livreaza un update cu unelte si/sau functii noi si corectii de erori.