| Girly97 a întrebat:

De ce CD-urile video nu ofera modalitatea de a controla playback-ul? De exemplu nu pot sa selectez un capitol al filmului anume si trebuie sa derulez insa acest lucru dureaza mult. Exista o alternativa?

Răspuns Câştigător
| CarcotasulVesel a răspuns:

"Though the VCD technology can support it, most films carried on VCDs do not contain chapters, requiring the viewer to fast-forward to resume the program after playback has been stopped. This is mostly because VCD technology is able to start playback at a chapter point but there is nothing to signal the player that the chapter has changed during a program. This can be confusing for the user as the player will indicate that it is still playing chapter 1 when it has played through to chapter 2 or later. Pressing the Next button would cause playback from the beginning of chapter 2. However, preview material is sometimes stored in a separate chapter, followed by a single chapter for the film."

deci se poate dar nu s-a omorat nimeni sa le si foloseasca cand fac un VCD

1 răspuns:
| dannyel86 a răspuns:

Ce spui tu am vazut doar la DVD-uri, care au un format anume.
Pentru filmele pe CD, e necesar sa derulezi (valabil pentru dvdplayer sau alte videoplayere externe) (pe pc / laptop e mai facil, pui cursorul la capitolul dorit).