| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Bai, mi se pare mie sau e cuplu printre voi?
Hmm, cine isi da seama la cine ma refer are fundoi :X.

Răspuns Câştigător
| Suck a răspuns:

Kama & Greyn.

46 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 explică (pentru Suck):

Cu totii stim ca-ti place melodia aia
Mi-o pun la ringtone thinking
Iti iau funda daca vrei sa mor rolling on the floor.

| doreal a răspuns (pentru Geanin):

De ce tu vorbeste de tine la persoana a III-a?

| KamaSutra a răspuns:

Wow,deci despre ei era vorba...

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru KamaSutra):

O reactie buna.
Inseamna ca nu vrei sa ma despici laughing.
Sunt perspicace? smug

| LePotato a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Deci cine erau? smug

| KamaSutra a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Da ce te mira reactia mea? laughing

Nu nu vreau.
Nu prea fiindca nu e adevarat nimic din ce spune Suck. Putea fi oricine alticinevawinking

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru LePotato):

I'm still in research, I'll let you know when I find the answer for sure. It's a promise laughing.

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru KamaSutra):

Ma asteptam sa fie o reactie buna, ca imi pari o tipa de treaba love struck.
"Putea fi." laughing

| KamaSutra a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Awww,mulțumesc :x contrar la ce se spune despre mine :x
"Putea" :))

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru KamaSutra):

Cine spune ceva aiurea despre tine? sad
Sunt cam noua pe aici, dar imi place de tine love struck, chiar esti draguta.
Presupunand ca "putea" ar putea fi un factor veridic, pot avea si eu un rol in asta?
Parinte spiritual, mentor sau ceva mai putin, gen prima persoana care a realizat ce se intampla? puppy dog eyes

| KamaSutra a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

Cine spune? Pe langa cel caruia i ai dat funda, mai e unul FABULOSUL6000, si sfatul meu este sa te feresti de ei
Multumesc, si tu esti draguta love struck
Normal ca potiwinking

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru KamaSutra):

Ieeei love struck love struck love struck!

| Mieeez666 a răspuns:

Mieeez si mana dreapta.

| KamaSutra a răspuns:

Tu ești Kile? surprise

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru KamaSutra):

Omfg, I'm done with you guys, what the h&ll is wrong with you?
Poor Kile, If I were him I would never forgive you for making such a scene and for bringing false accusations. But, from now on you can be my guest and you can all think what you want, I don't have to explain myself everytime, and I have nothing to prove to you.
If you want to believe me when I say that I'm not Kile, cool If you don't it's still ok.
But I'm already tired trying to make a point, oh no, not one, because I've explained myself to a lot of people till now, but that's it.
On the other hand, I understand your *questioning mood*, because I've been told about a problem that caused confusion among users, I'm talking about people that have multiple accounts, but I'm sorry I am not the one to take the blame for that.
Next time I'm accused of something, I would like to see some proofs, thanks.
Keep trying, yours faithfully, Hiddensoul.