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Cât de civilizați vi se par unii vestici din conversația asta avută pe Yahoo! Answers(un site asemănător TPU)? Engleza necesară!
Întrebare: Is there a nasty romanian elephant beater at large somewhere in the UK tonight?

Jegoasa: Part of me thinks you are mocking this terrible situation. There are millions of Romanian scum bags in the UK, so finding him would be like trying to find a Muslim in a nightclub.

Green Arrow-The only decent Romanians I have seen was a solicitor and an interpreter, the others were either stealing money from parking metres, doing the loop on a cashpoints, or drugging their babies and harassing people at traffic lights.

Eu: Christine: Your answer and 6 positive votes go to show you how "civilized" you westerners really are! Generalizing is cruel, isn't it?

@Christine: 90% of those people are probably Romani people which people tend to confuse with Romanians. It stands to reason that not all Romanians are like that. A society of 20 000 000 people couldn't function as a country and probably would have burned down half a Europe by now if we all were like that. You should stop talking about a country which you have never seen and a culture you obviously don't know anything about. You just prove your ignorance and shallowness. It's real easy talking from the point of view of a rich empire that never had to deal with communism. "Civilized" people like yourselves should be more wise and not take things out of context, don't you think? Like those Romanians(or Romani) giving a bad name for my country, you to give a bad name to yours and all western countries but you don't see me calling all English people shallow and ignorant. How about your Empire history? How many Indians did you massacred? Today sitting on a wealthy chair built on the blood of so many people makes you disgusting and a hypocrite! I have never left Romania and I didn't learn an ounce of English in school but I bet you any day that I can write and speak more proper than many of you ignorant, monkey-like racists dumb*asses(talking about people like you, that make me sick, not all Brits)

@Edit again: I have sent this to you in private and after telling me I have delusions of grandeur you took out your message sending option. The truth hurts, doesn't it? On which planet does what I've written above denote delusions of grandeur? From what you wrote, I understood that you either didn't have a proper argument but your arrogance and stupidity made you write that non-sense or that you just didn't understand what I wrote which makes you even stupider. OMG, a Romanian "thief" is smarter than a xenophobic scumbag! You should be ashamed of yourself!

4 răspunsuri:
| andrei a răspuns:

... cativa oameni nu inseamna tot vestul

la noi cam toata lumea e asa

| Skylar a răspuns:

Retards...se mai gasesc pe Yahoo! Answears, dar majoritatea sunt de treaba, si cei de pe 4chan la fel

| Gabica a răspuns:

Acolo sunt doar cativa oameni si multi dintre ei vorbesc asa sa se dea mari smecheri desi nu sunt deloc...

| arbl07 a răspuns:

Yahoo answers se stie ca e un site plin de trolls si de retardati.cititi anumite intrebari de acolo sau raspunsuri. efectiv, nu ai ce sa le ceri.de exemplu, intrebarea asta:http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index; _ylt=AohgAYxtWs48rTUco535.l0GJ3RG; _ylv=3? qid=20130423082636AAyLulS