| Alexsl a întrebat:

De curand mi-am facut si eu cont pe Neobux.com. Am citit diverse tutoriale si ma descurc, dar am intampinat o problema. Atunci cand vreau sa fac un mini-jobs, dau click pe un jobs ( la toate job-urile imi apare aceeas problema ) si pe urma apare urmatorul text:

Sorry, there is no more work available on this job at this time. Please check back again in the future. We are always adding new jobs and would love to have your help. Please return to the list of available tasks and find another one you would like to try.
You can find more tasks by going back to the list of available tasks.
Cum o pot rezolva.

Cum o rezolv?

1 răspuns:
| AgathaRo a răspuns:

Banii adevarati se fac prin munca. Nu din click-uri.