| AlexGDW a întrebat:

It's been patched both as (program). bin mc.bin
Just as changing the name by which you want to start for a multihack and other "is in the" neoncube. txt "
In the tablet is already done for booting by mc.bin multihack so put in and starts perfectly mc.bin

I received that some people do not start the hack good guess will be the operating system
Try to put
the file executable = mc.bin neoncube Change it to executable = (program). bin
So bad if they anger the archer in (program) not been patched since the mc if
If you are using windows7 like me as it comes you must not have problems... You can also try using a version earlier than 8 but with windows 7 does not work...
am lasat textul in engleza pentru ca poate daca traduceam nu se mai intelegea. as vrea raspuns ce trebuie sa fac.

1 răspuns:
| GGL a răspuns:

Si ce incerci sa faci? ca nu am inteles nimic