| Camper123 a întrebat:

Salut..de cateva saptamani tot ma uit pe forum-uri. blog-uri. site-uri cautand un fix la eroarea cu "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered", numai am absolut nici o solutie asa ca am apelat la TPU, de obicei aceasta eroare imi aparea doar cand intru in jocuri gen samp, csgo etc. Placa video r9 270 amd

3 răspunsuri:
| K0sti a răspuns:

Si ce ai facut tu pentru rezolvarea problemei in afara de a te uita pe site-uri?

| K0sti a răspuns (pentru Camper123):

Frectie! Uite aici cauzele:

- The display driver is outdated, missing, corrupted or broken.
- Your video card is very old and there isn't a fully compatible video driver for your Windows OS.
- There are too many programs running at the same time in the background, which causes conflicts.
- It takes more time than permitted for GPU to display graphics to your monitor.
- Windows registry problem.

Asa ca, treci la sapat!