| NOname a întrebat:

Dragi concetățeni, suntem tari sau ce?
Și se pare că nu suntem singurii. :))
(Comentariile de după fac toți banii.)

42 răspunsuri:
| Apache a răspuns:

Noi ca altii e si mai rau

| NOname explică (pentru Apache):

Ioi. Da, până la așa gropi mai avem...

Dar nu-i așa că te simți ca făcând parte din această lume, citind comentariile și parcă mai puțin singur?
M-am prăpădit de râs.
Dă clic și pe "View more", toate câte sunt. Un adevărat deliciu... laughing

Răspuns utilizator avertizat
Răspuns utilizator avertizat
| W3R4 a răspuns (pentru Apache):

Oare unde duce tunelu' ala? laughing

| NOname explică:

Eh, acum ai o consolare: nu ești singurul.

| Bogdanux a răspuns:

Traim in Romania... si asta ne ocupa tot timpul.

| Dumnezău a răspuns:

Veche.Si nici macar amuzanta.Inca unul din motivele pentru care 9FAG e cartierul de dejectii al internetului, in materie de orice, in afara de pornache.Desi mai scapa cate unul si pe-acolo.

| NOname explică (pentru Dumnezău):

Nici comentariile nu te-au amuzat? Că aia de fapt e cireașa de pe tort. Unele sunt ilegal de faine, de-a dreptul geniale...

Doar câteva:
"Same in Venezuela."
"Looks like Monterrey, México."
"Nooo, this is Bulgaria!"
"I thought it was Guatemala, we are not alone!"
"I could've sworn it was Brazil."
"Same here in Costa Rica."
"Even worse in Kosovo."
"same in Russia =) Romania, u r not alone =)"
"I thought the country was Morocco, we are not very different."
"Same in Bulgaria, except it stays on the second picture for another year and 3 months."
"No this is more for Serbia."
"I actually expected to see "Bulgaria" in the last pic, but "surprise, surprise"."
"Also Mexico, a lot."
"Romania its not the only country with thieves as liders! at least he have good internet connections!"
"I thought it was the Philippines."
"More like Brazilian roads, forgot to mention it cost 3x more than it should."
"Slovakia aswell, but its not one year, its 20 years and still not finished."
"Worst roads are in Ukraine! Believe me!"
"You spelled Portugal with 8 mistakes."
"I really thought that it was Brazil hahahaha."
"Same in Greece, poor street, rich engineer."
"I really thought that was a brazilian scene. Ok, actually in Brazil they never finish the road."
"Hungary is even worse."
"So Philippines is not so alone after all."
"Romania and Brazil are twins."
"1 year and 3 months? I'm moving to Romania!"
"Not just Romania, Thailand too."
"Pretty much the same here in Quebec."
"Same in Vietnam. Even worse, LOL."
"it's the same everywhere."
"You misspelled Mexico."
"no, It's Poland, I'm 100% sure!"
"Portugal has the same issue!"
"It also happens in Colombia."
"This is Greece, not Romania."
"It is exactly the same in Brazil."
"In Hungary it's worse."
"same in Indoensia."
"In the Philippines, it never gets done."
"I thought it was Mexico."
"That can apply for Bulgaria too."
"I would call it Brazil."
"Same story in Italy."
"Turkey too."
"same in ALL the contries!"
"Liar! I'm sure this is in Brazil!"
"I'm really sorry, but it is Hungary. U can try it!"
"Same thing in Moldova."
"in Czech Republic it´s exactly the same."
"I thought the country was Poland."
"Same here in kuala lumpur."
"Actually I guess this happens everywhere! Costa Rica is just the same!"
"You're lying that's certainly Turkey."
"In Bulgaria is worse."
"Sounds like Manila to me."
"This is POLAND!"
"Actually it's Lithuania."
"Not just Romania, Mexico too."
"Just like Greece."
"Romania and Brazil have so much in common!"
"the same in Belgium."
"Looks like Mexico as well."
"same in Tunisia."
"The stage 3 doesn't exist in Turkey."
"Don't feel bad Romania. This happen a lot in Mexico, too."
"Same here in Montreal, Canada."
"True story in Poland also."
"Same in India."
"Exactly the same in Chicago."
"It's also the same in Israel."
"I thought you were talking about Algeria."
"same here in Malawi."
"I swore it was a post about Brazil."
"Same in argentina, only that it takes 1 year 3 months and 21 days to actually start the road...and it's never complete."
"Hey, in Romania at least they fix them..."
"its definitely Turkey."
"Here in Brazil it take 4 years to build and 1 rain to destroy."
"In Romania they cover the holes after. in Venezuela. they are still there."
"I could swear it was Brazil until I read Romania."
"Do we have the same road builders?"
"Same here in Latvia."
"In Brazil it would take double the time, triple the price, 1/4 of the quality."
"I thought the country was Paraguay."
"Dominican Republic... except here they fix the road only every four years, you know, presidential election time."
"I was thought it happen at THAILAND ONLY."
"Same here in Argentina."
"Same in Croatia. They started fixing the road when I was in the first grade of high school. I'm in college now and they're still working on it."
"at least your country tryes to repair it."
"Lol, in South Africa, they would leave it as it is in picture 2, Romania wins."
"People, after reading all the comments here, it has come to my attention that governments all over the world are screwing with us. And not only us, but our money."

...și așa mii de pagini.
Nu te simți mai bine acum? laughing

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru NOname):

rolling on the floor
Quite surprising, I must admit.
Didn't see that coming.

Comment-urile sunt, intr-adevăr, pita. Foarte tare.
Şi acum, ce e de făcut? Să ne bucurăm că nu suntem singuri, sau să deplângem starea părţilor carosabile din intreaga lume? laughing

| anonim_4396 a răspuns (pentru anonim_4396):

U know, if U read the comments, U'll find a lot of Brazilians pointing out that this picture is taken in Brazil actually... I can tell U only that: if we have one (I think is from Strehaia, as I just broke my car there during travel this summer) Brazilians have thousands of places like that... they win!

| NOname explică (pentru anonim_4396):

Haha, bună întrebare... Cred că nu ne rămâne decât să ne îmbătăm cu umorul și solidaritatea înduioșătoare celorlalte țări.

Ah, și încă un șofer amuzat. :))

| Ea12345 a răspuns:

laughing Morala? Peste tot la fel!

| tarziu a răspuns:

Atat de tari incat nu e adevarat! primele 2 poze sunt din locuri total diferitewinking

| Pawesome a răspuns:

Not alone any more!
Concluzia tongueeste tot unde te duci dai de drumuri rele.

| NOname explică (pentru Pawesome):

Bine dacă numai de drumuri...

| Bitzy a răspuns:

Da,da laughing
Nu suntem singurii cu drumuri "afurisite"!

| Bitzy a răspuns (pentru Bitzy):

P.S : Nici măcar aici, în secțiunea de drumuri "afurisite" nu suntem pe locul I? x(

| NOname explică (pentru Bitzy):

Haha. Da, se pare că ne bate Brazilia și mai câteva. Dar n-aș putea să spun că nu mă bucur...

| alexalexandrusincerul a răspuns:

Avand in vedere ca traim in Romania, orice e posibil.

| baru a răspuns:

Sall! este de plans! indiferent unde este!

| GabiiHaș a răspuns:

Auzi la aia," we're so difereeent! " laughing

| NOname explică (pentru GabiiHaș):

De unde știi? Ai fost în toate?

| GabiiHaș a răspuns (pentru NOname):

Nu...m-am uitat doar la comentarii straight face

| GabiiHaș a răspuns (pentru NOname):

Nu,doar m-am uitat la comentarii straight face

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

" same in Russia =) Romania, u r not alone =) " - epic!

Nu suntem singuri, asta e important. Sunt şi alte ţări care au muncitori idioţi.

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Doh, la noi trei metri au lucrat "finuț", cinci(metri) au lăsat ca mormânt pentru cei care trec noaptea și nu văd (au mai spart și becurile).

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Da' ce vrei, suntem o țară săracă, vrei curve scumpe?

| Aneurysm a răspuns:

... Am I the only one who didn't click that link? Really, ce ar putea fi interesant acolo? __. *waits for stupids from 9fa... adică haters*

| PotatoMustDie a răspuns:

-I thought the country was Brazil, we are not very different;
-It's the same in Algeria;
-Same here in Belgium;
-same in Russia =) Romania, u r not alone =);
-lol iceland is no different xD;

Nu suntem singuri.

| NOname explică (pentru PotatoMustDie):

Aha, premiu de consolare...

| Numero1 a răspuns:

Asta este partea urata a Romaniei, la aceasta categorie Romania e praf, la coordonare, la initiativa, l comunitate. Dar suntem si noi perfecti la ceva si trebuie sa ne mandrim cu Romania noastra si cu acele calitati pozitive. Ca oricare alta tara avem si defecte. Dar suntem buni la muzica, avem cele mai frumoase femei, am demonstrat ca putem la jocurile olimpice, avem o istorie mareata, avem cel mai greu sistem de invatamant aproape din intreaga Europa. Deci DA este raspunsul la intrebarea ta, suntem tari. Ce ne trebuie noua este un bun lider, si multa initiativa.

| Vibrations a răspuns:

Ce a făcut democrația asta din lume...

| DWDT a răspuns:

Haha laughing

| Nymeria a răspuns:

Nu trebuie sa ma uit ca sa stiubig grin

| KennyBa a răspuns:

Ai o bere

| Drugs a răspuns:

"Anna Ekimenko
same in Russia =) Romania, u r not alone =)"..."Lagast Nick -Same here in Belgium"..."Rafael Dos Santos Aquino -
I thought the country was Brazil, we are not very different" e doar la noi ^^

| ScarecrowFarmer a răspuns:

E pai cum sunt un cetatean roman cu gene/origini rusesti am cu ce ma mandri laughing 2 tari cu strazi asemanatoare, te duci da nu te mai intorci

| pingu20 a răspuns:

True, true

| MissBaW a răspuns:

Eh asta-i Romania... n-ai ce face.whistling

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