| jeniffer_1566 a întrebat:

I come from England. What is this?

11 răspunsuri:
| rebb a răspuns:

Yeah right...

| Simon a răspuns:

What is what? You are talking about this site? This site is called "all for one" and it's all about helping people with all sourts of problems, in several domains. So, if you have a question and need an answer you are in the right place. I'm not sure if the site has an language option so that you can switch to english. Enjoy!

| Bacemi a răspuns:

This is a website used for socialising. You ask what you need to know and you get help from others. You can also help others yourself.

| Neghinitza_8409 a răspuns:

Welcome. This is Romania. laughing This is the romanian version for Yahoo Answers.happy My name is Alex. Nice to meet you!happy

| Marcian a răspuns:

TPU(Toti Pentru Unul) stands for "All For One". It is a site where people can log in and ask questions and give answers to one another in order to learn stuff and help people.Some sections like "Stiinta si filozofie"-science and philosophy and "Legislatie, politica & social"-legislation, politics & social can turn some questions into debates abaot concerning things(politics, religion, economy, xenofobia and others). It is a romanian language site that you wont be able to understand if you dont speak romanian.
Happy to help.Bye Bye.

| Asdfghshds a răspuns:

Do you come in peace?

| ade98hannah a răspuns:


| Liviu a răspuns:

Welcome in the HELL (Romania')
Here is a site... Where ppl ask for help'
And anthor ppl answers' happy
i think u don't have what to do here...
u don't understaind as language'
And i think is verry hard to learn as language' if u don't have with who to speck
oh nvm take care'

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

This is Romania. Go away!

| irina20 a răspuns:

This is Romania run fast as you can!

| Crs a răspuns:

Si tu te mai vezi din Anglia laughing))))))?