| xxxcatall1n a întrebat:

Salut as vrea sa vand contul meu de LoL la pretul de 200 lei negociabil.
Contul e in silver III.
Oricum contul detine:
Alistar dezlantuit
Blitzcrank din Piltover
Darius inima neinfricata respectiv Lordul Darius
Garen cavalerul groazei
Jinx mafiota
Katarina din Bilgewater
Master Yi ionian respectiv Master Yi alesul
Nidalee vanator de capete
Riven din elita sangerie
Thresh teroarea din adancuri
RIOT Tristana respectiv Tristana pompier
Vayne aristocrata
Yasuo din vestul salbatic
Zed lama fulgeratoare.
Contul mai are 6 pagini de rune si in cont mai sunt 3444 RP.
Eu sunt din Ramnicu Valcea deci as vrea sa facem tranzactia fata in fata undeva la un net caffe.
Daca e cineva interesat ma gasiti pe skype: baiat.sofisticat

1 răspuns:
| Ronnix a răspuns:

"Account Sales. The Account supplied to you is personal to you, and Riot Games does not recognize and expressly forbids the transfer of user Accounts. You shall not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or make any such offer, and any attempt shall be null and void. Any distribution by you of your Account and/or your Login Credentials (except as expressly provided herein or otherwise explicitly approved of by Riot Games) may result in suspension or termination of your Account."
Sursa: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/legal/termsofuse#account-information