| ProgramatorInDevenire a întrebat:

Cum fac in c# cand scriu password la password:sa apara stelute dar parola sa fie corecta din cifre si litere dar sa nu fie vizibila decat din stelute *

3 răspunsuri:
| Andruşcă a răspuns:

Public void CreateMyPasswordTextBox()
// Create an instance of the TextBox control.
TextBox textBox1 = new TextBox();
// Set the maximum length of text in the control to eight.
textBox1.MaxLength = 8;
// Assign the asterisk to be the password character.
textBox1.PasswordChar = '*';
// Change all text entered to be lowercase.
textBox1.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing. Lower;
// Align the text in the center of the TextBox control.
textBox1. TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment. Center;

De aici am luat exemplul: http://msdn.microsoft.com/......80%29.aspx

| Andruşcă a răspuns:

Public void CreateMyPasswordTextBox()
// Create an instance of the TextBox control.
TextBox textBox1 = new TextBox();
// Set the maximum length of text in the control to eight.
textBox1.MaxLength = 8;
// Assign the asterisk to be the password character.
textBox1.PasswordChar = '*';
// Change all text entered to be lowercase.
textBox1.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing. Lower;
// Align the text in the center of the TextBox control.
textBox1. TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment. Center;

De aici am luat exemplul: http://msdn.microsoft.com/......80%29.aspx

| Dyanna_4508 a răspuns:

Raspuns simplu: Nu se poate!
Dar in caz ca gasesti asa ceva(adica parola sa nu-ti apara cenzurata)inseamna ca acel cont ti se fura(adica acel web-site e facut de un copil sau om mare si el va primi mesaj cu numele si parola ta si ti se va fura.