| Ciobanu_Stef_1979 a întrebat:

doresc niste ghicitori grele cu raspuns. Cele mai bune primesc funda.

Răspuns Câştigător
| LonelyLoner92 a răspuns:

Murgul rage
În parloage,
În gradina.
Lungul urca si coboara
În scranciob i-o fetiscana! (fantana cu cumpana)

Un balaur
Solzi de aur,
Sta în munte priponit,
Apa band necontenit.

Trece monstrul marea
Cu parul alb ca sarea.

Pe sub razele de soare
Zboara peste camp o floare.

Sunt o sa,
Pe care nu calareste nimeni;
Sunt fereastra
Dar nu la casa.

Cuie mici cu maciulie
Stralucesc pe cer o mie,
Dar cand iese soarele
Fug de-si rup picioarele.

Urla lupul la hotara
Si s-aude-n alta tara.

6 răspunsuri:
| Ciobanu_Stef_1979 explică (pentru LonelyLoner92):

Le-ai copiat si nu sunt foarte grele, le stiu pe toate.

| ShaOfHatred a răspuns:

Using me, battles are never fought alone. With me, bonds are never broken. Reveal my identity.

Yes You are Loyalty.
Consume me and you will choke, but within me is the key to life and growth. What am I?

Yes You are earth.
I can be found on a mountain, yet you can hold me in your hand or walk over me. I will outlive you. Name me.

Yes You are a rock.
I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor. What is my name?

Yes You are death.
I erode rock, break bodies, and consume cities. Yet, I am necessary for survival. What am I?

Yes You are water.
I feast on air, but drink no water. I have no eyes of my own, but without me, you are blind. What am I?

Yes You are fire.
I move without legs. I push without arms. I speak without words. I howl without a mouth. What am I?

Yes You are wind.
You can burn me, build a home from me, and carve me. There are countless ways to use me. Tell me my name.

Yes You are wood.
From pain and a scream, I bring newness into the world. From me, all legends begin. Reveal my name.

Yes You are birth.
Your hand cannot contain me. Your eye cannot see me. I am fleeting when held, but you can catch me if you stand still. What am I?

Yes Breath.
I am beautiful in the winter sun, but brutal to the touch. I am a danger overhead and underfoot. What is my name?

Yes You are ice.
I will devour you from the inside out. I must be conquered every day, or I will take your life. Only in death can you stop me. Who am I?

Yes You are hunger.
I blind hunters, frighten children, and no door can keep me out, yet each night I return. What am I?

Yes You are darkness.
Cultivate me and I will grow. If you are worthy, I will become something that will last forever. Speak my name.

Yes You are a legend.
A Mere Breath can kill me, yet a spark can bring me to life. My form has the power to dispel darkness. Reveal my Identity.

Yes You are a candle's flame.
With me, you will never know reason. I will blind you to everything else and drive you to kill your enemy. What am I?

Yes You are rage
I was alive when I fell, but among thousands of others, I died from being alone. Under your foot, my thin skin crumbles into dust. What am I?

Yes You are dead leaves.
I roar. I can kill quickly. I swallow whole. Yet, I do not have teeth or a tongue. What am I?

Yes You are an avalanche.

Doar in engleza.

| corolav a răspuns:

Cele pe care ți le-am trimis eu nu au fost bune?
Eu zic că sunt excelente. Deștepte.
Nu prea le știe lumea din această țară.

| Ciobanu_Stef_1979 explică (pentru corolav):

Nu,nu au fost deloc bune, au fost ingrozitoare nu excelente.

| corolav a răspuns:

Amice, te pricepi la partea spirituală a lucrurilor precum „ovreiul" la carnea de porc!
Să fii sănătos!

| corolav a răspuns:

Cînd am zis „parte spirituală" m-am referit la faptul că „ghicitorile" sunt o emanație de spirit, de înălțătoare inteligență, ceea ce la matale e lipsă.
Mai dă și altora să le citească, cu ceva glagorie la mansardă, și apoi vom mai discuta.
Hai, pa!

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