| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Salutare TPU! Recent m-am apucat de scriptat un server folosind limbajul pawn, in Pawno. Am incercat sa fac o baza de date, folosindu-ma de (, am facut totul corect, dar imi da eroarea
" C:\Users\Andy\Desktop\TarguMures-RPG\Dimensional X\gamemodes\dimensionalx.pwn(66) : error 017: undefined symbol "MYSQL_HOST"
Pawn compiler 3.2. 3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
Am definit deja MySQL_HOST:
Aici toate define-urile:
// Define-uri:
#define WHITE "{FFFFFF}"
#define RED "{F81414}"
#define GREEN "{00FF22}"
#define LIGHTBLUE "{00CED1}"
#define COLOR_RED 0xA10000AA
#define DIALOG_REGISTER 2000
#define DIALOG_LOGIN 2001
#define MySQL_HOST "localhost" //This will connect you to your local host
#define MySQL_USER "root" //default phpMyAdmin username
#define MySQL_PASS " " //default phpMyAdmin password is nothing, until you change it!
#define MySQL_DB "dimensionalxrp" //Now here you have to put your database's name. (Put what you put in the phpMyAdmin in above step) - IMPORTANT LINE
// ------------------ |
Ma ajuta careva sa fac totul ca la carte :)?
Ofer funda!

2 răspunsuri:
| andydot a răspuns:

Tin sa precizez ca serverul este pe local host, iar in MYPHPADMIN am facut database-ul "dimensionalxrp".

| InfiniTy289 a răspuns:

Tu ai definit MySQL şi foloseşti MYSQL.

Schimbă ori la definiţie, ori la connect.