| anonimathebest a întrebat:

Puteti sa-mi traduceti in engleza versurile astea: Eram copil, aveam si soare, si stele,
Credeam intotdeauna-n visele mele,
La orizont nu zaream niciun nor,
Totul era usor! [Puteam sa zbor]

R: Dar nu mereu totul e cum vreau eu
Lumea nu zambeste, nu ma priveste in ochi, in ochi…
Plus R: Un joc de-a v-ati ascunselea, un joc stupid
Fugind mereu de viata, in suflet dorind
Sa imi iau zborul, sa plec in departari…

Vroiam s-ajung extrem de departe,
Sa prind vise, sa le leg intr-o carte,
Vroiam sa ma ridic pe-o treapta inalta,
Sa las speranta sa arda! [Caci pot sa zbor]?

Răspuns Câştigător
| Noreasontosimle a răspuns:

I was a kid, I had the sun and stars,

I always thought, my dreams,

Tion not any cloud on the horizon,

Everything was easy! [I could fly]

R: But it's not always how I want

The world does not smile, I do not look in the eye, eye...

Plus A: A game of hide and seek, a stupid game

Always running for life, wanting soul

I take the flight to leave in the distance...

I wanted have come very far

To catch dreams, tie them in a book

I wanted to get up on a high level,

Hope to leave to burn [For I can fly]