| viatadecacatt a întrebat:

Stiu ca va enerveaza genul asta de intrebari dar am cautat pe google ore in sir si nu am gasit.am auzit o melodie frumoasa de club canta o fata si am retinut decat versurile:dance, dance move your body slow. daca stie cineva cum se numeste va rog.

8 răspunsuri:
| viatadecacatt explică:

Nu, nu e inna

| danutz_6930 a răspuns:

Era ceva de genu? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eNiGXLrnUo&feature=related sau poate era un remix la piesa asta:-?:)!

| viatadecacatt explică:

Nici aia nu esad

| Sedicina_Antonio_1987 a răspuns:

This song is a mystery. I have an MP3 file of this, simply named "Track 05", since 2012, without any title.
I googled the same words too many times, but I only found questions like this one.
I also tried to "shazam" it, uselessly.
The style is a typical "Romanian dance", similar to Elena Gheorghe’s "Disco Romancing" and most of Inna’s songs.