| Engel a întrebat:

Hey! Stie cineva vreun magazin online de haine(mai mult tricouri cu imprimeuri de genu I Love ******)!
P. S.:Excesul de episoade cu FRED duce la dependenta! Muahhaaa! LOLz.sorry guys! rolling on the floor

4 răspunsuri:
| dhraqull a răspuns:

Fred is gay, he totally likes to suck cock, sorry guys.

| Anonimusss a răspuns:

Http://www.google.ro/......tp?/imgres r:0, s:0

http://www.google.ro/......tp?/imgres r:8, s:0&tx=90&ty=107&biw=1024&bih=598

http://www.google.ro/......tp?/imgres r:0, s:0

http://www.google.ro/......tp?/imgres r:11, s:0&tx=93&ty=72&biw=1024&bih=598

http://www.google.ro/......tp?/imgres r:6, s:0&biw=1024&bih=598

| Engel explică:

No, Fred is not gay!
First Fred is not real!
Lolz! laughing