Atonement, Splendor in the Grass, The Age of Innocence, Tristan+Isolde, Romeo+Juliet, Wuthering Heights
Home of the brave.Babel.My sister's keeper. If Only. Sweet November.Carriers.Awake.The Purist of happyness.Seven Pounds.Memento.Transamerica.Closer.Revolutionary Road.
Pay it forward, Atonement, The Shawshank Redemption, Schindlers list, Se7en, PS I Love You, The Notebook, Amadeus.
Pai nu stiu daca exista "cele mai de drama" filme, pot doar sa iti recomand cateva drame f bune:
---One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List, The Pianist, The English Patient, American History X, Ciudade de Deus, Requiem for a dream, 12 Angry Men, Rain Man
Daca prin drama intelegi drama romantica (adica un film siropos cu un "unhappy end") si inclin sa cred ca da, recomand: Love story
My life without me, In the land of women, Where the heart is, Seven Pounds. Pe mine aceste filme m-au pus pe ganduri.
The Notebook, Keith, Awake, The Last House On The Left, Sweet November, The Lake House, PS I Love You.
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