| marinelamarin a întrebat:

faceti o lista cu 5 cele mai horror filme vazute de voi,poate cine stie, o fii un film pe care eu nu l-am vazutlaughing)m-am cam uitat la toate

4 răspunsuri:
| faramatania a răspuns:

Top 5:Insidious 1, 2 și 3 (2010/2013/29 Mai 2015), Drag Me To Hell (2009),The Unborn (2009),Case 39 (2009),Martyrs (2008)//altele: The Cabin In The Woods (2012),My Bloody Valentine (2009),Wrong Turn (seria), Inbred (2011),Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013),The Mist (2007),The Wicked (2013),The Quiet Ones (2014),Oculus (2013),Friday The 13th (2009),Cabin Fever 1 și 2 (2002/2009),Haunted (Dark House 2014), Stitch (2014),The Woman In Black (2012),Sinister (2012),Haunt (2013),13 Sins (2014),Mischief Night (2014),Scary Or Die (2012),Catacombs (2007),Beneath The Darkness (2011),Beneath (V) (2013),7500 (2014),The Descent (2005),The Strangers (2008),You're Next (2011),Deliver Us From Evil (2014),Jeepers Creepers 1 și 2 (2001/2003), Leprechaun: Origins (2014),Open Grave (2013),Modus Anomali (2012),Antiviral (2012),The Appearing (2014),The Conjuring (2013),Annabelle (2014),The Canal (2014),Animal (2014),Devil's Due (2014),Rosemary's Baby (2014/miniserie),The Babadook (2014),Aux yeux des vivants (2014),See No Evil 2 (2014),Death Do Us Part (2014),Altar (2014),The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014),Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead (2014),The Scarehouse (2014),Exists (2014),VANish (2015),The Woman In Black 2: Angel Of Death (2015),Masters Of Horror (2005), Sinister 2 (Aug. 2015), The Unborn 2 (2015?)

| Sn4k3 a răspuns:

Top 5 :
1. Wrong turn (seria)
2. Yeti: curse of the snow devil
3. Vineri 13 -cel din 2009
4. Haunt
5. Haunting of Whaley house
Alte filme :
The hills have eyes 1, 2
The breed
Wolf creek 1, 2
Cabin fever 3
The cabin in the woods
Paranormal activity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Drag me to hell
The conjuring
Jeepers Creepers 1, 2
Dark summer
Leprechaun : Origins. Astea mi-au placut cel mai mult.

| Sn4k3 a răspuns (pentru Sn4k3):

A da, mai era si Hostel 1, 2, 3 si Casa de ceara.

| Alin4uuu a răspuns:

1. 28 weeks later
2. Mask maker
3. House of wax
4. Hostel ( seria)
5. As above, so below ( meserie )
6. Wrong turn ( seria)
7. Mirrors( super ambele)
8.Fritt Vilt sunt 3 parti, trebuie sa le vezi daca inca nu le ai vazut, mi au placut f mult cum joaca actori si povestea tot
9. Let me in
10.SAW( seria ) cred ca l-ai vazut dar nu imi mai aduc aminte acum ce am mai vazut asa ca la trecut sa fie un top 10winking enjoy