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Salut -- ( intrebare pentru fanii Predator )

Am urmarit filmul predator 2010 si am o nelamurire. Pe predatorul lasat la acea,, baza,, de langa nava dc l-au lasat legat acolo? ( observ ca avea si armura diferita de cea a celor 3 ) Si de ce ultimul predator ramas acolo arata diferit de celalalt?

Răspuns Câştigător
| bogdanqwerty a răspuns:

Daca esti atent zice in film, zice noland ca sunt doua feluri de predator, ca vin in grupuri de 3 in fiecare sezon. uite si ce zice Noland: Anyway, there's two different types of them out there. Hmm? Now, they're similar, but they're different. It's cand of like the difference between dogs and wolves. The one's that are running things up there, the larger ones, hunt the smaller ones. It's some cand of blood feud, I guess. Been going on for a long time.

1 răspuns:
| WR104 a răspuns:

Era un pui de predator incompetent.Nu aveau nevoie de el.