| charizard96 a întrebat:

La seria animata Dragon ball care e ordinea sezoanelor? stiu ca primul e Dragon Ball apoi Dragon ball gt sau Z? am auzit ca este si seria kai. deci spuneti-mi si mie ordinea pentru a le putea viziona. mersi anticipat.

Răspuns Câştigător
| Apache a răspuns:

Primul e dragon ball, dupa dragon ball z, si dupa dragon ball gt
si au fost si cateva filme!
Curse of the Blood Rubies
Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle
Mystical Adventure
The Path to Power
Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone
Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest
Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
Dragon Ball Z: Return of Cooler
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound
Dragon Ball Z: Broly Second Coming
Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn
Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon

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