| IluzieOptica a întrebat:

Va rog ajutati-ma vreau sa instalez Runes Of Magic dupa gameforge dar cand se instaleaza 34% imi apare asta:C:\Program Files\GameforgeLive\Games\Rou_ron\Runes Of magic\fdb\texture5.fdb
An error occurred while trying to copy a file:The source file is corrupted
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation
Va rog ce trebuie sa fac?

1 răspuns:
| IluzieOptica explică:

Am mai cautat putin si am gasit asta:
I am attempting to install RoM using Gameforge Live and every few minutes I get an error like "Missing text file". I attached a few screenshots. I have tried to "Retry" and a few minutes later I just get the same error message for the same file. I have tried to abort and reinstall and this go around I'm just using the "Ignoring" option. When I tried to play this game a few months ago I got the same sort of errors and it is what kept me from playing the game. I would really appreciate the help.
Looks like one of 2 possibilities:
RoM's install & patcher are sensitive to blockage by security software.
Try disabling whatever anti-virus/security software you have whilst installing & patching RoM and remember to re-enable it afterwards.
You download files might be corrupt.
Try re-downloading the from here: Manual Downloads for the 6.0.1 RoM Client

The GameforgeLive launcher that launches the launcher that launches the game is a bit rubbish but almost all game publishers are producing these type of guff programs that are best just uninstalled. DAR PROBLEMA ESTE CA EU NU AM ANTIVIVIRUS INSTALAT IN PC DECI...