| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Imi cer scuze daca voi face greseli gramaticale.
Am o mare problema, aceea find ca nu mi-se mai deschid fisierele.exe, daca intrebati cum am postat am postat deschizand firefox cu firefox...

Acum 3 zile cand am deschis laptopul, se incarca doar bios-ul dupa ce se incarcase trebuia sa imi arata loader-ul de la windows 7 (ultimate) asa ca am reformatat C:\ si am lasat D:\

Am instalat totul ca la carte, dupa care Avast Internet Security, iar acesta a inceput sa stearga '' care se ocupa cu 'lansarea dll-urilor cand porneste windows-ul' odaca cu svchost.exe (care nu este virusat), crezand ca am gresit cu ceva l-am reinstalat iar si iar...(de 2 ori) si la fel, inainte sa instalez avast-ul am instalat soft-urile de la Adobe (reader; flash player) am dat un restart si... am deschis browser-ul pentru a descarca chrome, il descarcam si nu se instala (am facut acest lucru de 2-3 ori), apoi am inceput sa lucrez pe firefox iar cand intram pe un website ce avea flash player, imi dadea crash (am trimis la suport si nimic am trimis la Avast si NIMIC)...ce pot face pentru :

1. Pentru A deschide.exe (sa nu aud reinstaleaza windows-ul, daca nu stii despre ce este vorba mai bine nu scrii) - am instalat si Speedy PC, FIXER...

2. Ce sa fac pentru Adobe flash player.

3 răspunsuri:
| CinevaNou a răspuns:

Instaleaza alt windows.

| TrustMeIKnow a răspuns:


Please be assured that avast! does not intentionally recognize other valid software as suspicious. The last thing we want to do is to cause problems for our users who are using other valid software at the same time. However, we are sure you understand that to provide maximum protection against genuine virus threats, false positive alerts can sometimes arise.

In this case, there may be some file within the other software that avast! has incorrectly identified as suspicious. If this is the case, then it is something we would like to fix.

To help us fix this problem, could you please send us the specific file or direct link that avast! has identified? (even index.html or similar file)together with print screen of the page? If it is indeed a valid file that is used by the other software, we will of course remove it from the virus database to prevent it from being reported again.
Zip this file/s under the password "virus" without quotes and send it to (write false positive into the subject line, please). Or send us files or the link attached with this ticket.

In the meantime, you can stop this from being reported as a potential virus using the "Exclusion" facility within avast!

We would like to thank you for bringing this to our attention and as soon as we know exactly which file is causing the problem, we will try to remedy it as quickly as possible.

Best Regards,

Petr Bucek
Technical Support

AVAST Software a. s.
Budějovická 1518/13A
140 00 Prague, Czech Republic

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YSW-263-55175
Department: Virus and FP reports
Type: Communication
Status: On Hold
Priority: Normal

Support Center: https://support.

| puscahoreangaion a răspuns:

In chrome cauta la troublesooting
mosule iti dau un material poate vei gasi o solutie