| emy100 a întrebat:

Salut.Am luat un domeniu de la www.co.cc si host de la 000webhost.Problema e ca atunci cand vreau sa intru pe siteul meu(domeniu meu)apare eroarea asta:The server at www.csteory.ro can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.

Vreau si eu o rezolvare. Dau funda + vot.

1 răspuns:
| AlexAlex23 a răspuns:

Poate nu ai facut ceva bun.