| Ryuuzuka a întrebat:

Mai chiar ca nu inteleg prostiile aste de timpuri din lb engleza! Vreau sa-mi explicati prin cuvintele voastre ...Present Perfect Past Continuous Simple Prezent. De ex la Past continuous cand folosesc was sau were ...aici exempleI was singing.
You were singing.
We were singing.
They were singing.
He was singing.
She was singing.
It was singing In fine nu vreau copiat doar sa-mi explicat voi cum stiti...

Răspuns Câştigător
| CrazyXdiva a răspuns:

Pai : formele de genul " I was dancing. " este ca pe romaneste " Eu dansam " Was se foloseste la persoana a treia singular ( She was eating, He was screaming ); " I danced " este ca pe romaneste " Eu am dansat ". Multe verbe din engleza la trecut se sfarsesc prin ed dar exista verbe cu forme iregulare ( aici este o lista : http://www.grammar.cl/Past/Irregular_Verbs_List.htm ); sper ca te-am ajutat si daca nu, sa-mi spui printr-un mesaj ca sa iti mai explic :)

4 răspunsuri:
| IamGIPSY a răspuns:


Forma : S+have/had + vb III
adica = subiect + have/has + verb la forma a 3 (daca verbul este regulat se scrie la sfarsit 'd/ed' )

La afirmativ este asa :
I have bought (verb neregulat ) / I have lived ( verb regulat )
You have bought / You have bought
He has bought / He has lived
She has bought / She has lived
It has bought / It has lived
We have bought / We have lived
You have bought / You have lived
They have bought / You have lived

Forma "has" se pune DOAR la persoana a 3 singular. Nu exista o exlicatie anume. Este o regula ce trebuie respectata.

La negativ.
I haven't bought
You haven't bought
He. She.It hasn't bought
We haven't bought
You haven't bought
They haven't bought
(la fel este si la verbele regulate live, watch etc. )

La interogativ.
Have I bought?
Have you bought?
Has she. he. it bought?
Have we bought?
Have you bought?
Have they bought?

( la fel este si la verbele regulate ex: Have i lived? )

Timpul PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE este timpul care exprima un trecut recent.

Ca sa-ti dai seama cand sa folosesti acest timp, te ghidezi dupa :
FOR= durata actiunii
Since =inceputul actiunii

Aceste doua cuvinte apar atunci cand este folosit prsent perfect simple.

Te mai poti ghida de asemenea si dupa urmatarele cuvinte :
never,ever,yet,since last year,so far, already, for the last 3 years, up until today, up to now, until now. De asemenea cand apara aceste cuvinte trebuie folosit timpul present perfect simple.

Forma :S+was/were +vb+ing
adica =subiect +was/were + verb+ ing

La firmativ
I was watching
You were watching
She.He.It was watching
We were watching
You were watching
They were watching

La negativ

I wasn't watching
You weren't watching
She.He.It wasn't watching
We weren't watching
They weren't watching.

La interogativ

Was I watching
Were you watching?
Was she.he.it watching?
Were we watching?
Were you watching?
Were they watching?

Aici was/were nu se mai foloseste la fel. Was se pune la persoanele I si III singular. ATAT.Iar were la celelalte persoane care au ramas, deoarece ele sunt la plural, iar were se pune doar la plural.

Acest timp exprima o actiune care este in progres intr-un anumit moment in trecut.
Ex :
She was writing a mail yesterday, at 7 p.m.

Mai exprima si o actiune in progres care este intrerupta de o actiune in timpul trecut
Ex: She was writing a mail when somebody knoked at the door.

Mai poate exprima o actiune in trecut care nu intrerupe o actiune in progres.
Ex: I was walking down the street when I saw trees in blow.

Forma :S+do/does + vb+ e/es
adica= subiect +do/does+verb+e/es

La afirmativ
Subiect + verb( se adaugă s/es)

La negativ
Subiect +don’t/doesn’t + verb

La interogativ
Do/Does +subiect + verb +?

esentul simplu se folosește pentru a exprima o acțiune repetată, obișnuită, activități zilnice, stări permanente, adevăruri general valabile. Se mai folosește în orare și comentarii sportive.

Se folosește cu adverbe de frecvență: never (niciodată); rarely, seldom ( rar); sometimes (uneori); usually (de obicei); often (des); always (mereu)

Alte reguli:

* Doar la persoana a III-a singular se adaugă S/ES

* Dacă verbul se termină în ss, sh, ch, x, o se adaugă ES

* Dacă verbul se termină în vocală și y se adaugă S

* Dacă verbul se termină în consoană și y, y-ul se transformă în i și se adaugă ES

Exemple și propoziții uzuale:

* The train leaves at half past two. – Trenul pleacă la ora două și jumătate
* I always drink coffee in the morning. – Mereu beau cafea de dimineață.
* I rarely skip breakfast. – Rareori sar peste micul dejun.
* Mark never goes to sleep before 10 pm. -Mark nu se culcă nicodată înainte de ora 10.
* Lucy often eats fried potatoes for dinner. – Lucy mănâncă deseori cartofi prejiți la cină.
* It rains a lot in London. – În Londra plouă des.
* I hate people who speak to much.- Urăsc oamenii care vorbesc prea mult.
* My mother cooks very well. – Mama mea gătește foarte bine.

| Ryuuzuka explică (pentru CrazyXdiva):

Ms pentru raspuns tongue.

| PunkMike a răspuns:

Si eu ma intreb astalaughing

| PunkMike a răspuns:

crazyxdiva e gresit nu e was e HAS!