| Th3AbSinTh3 a întrebat:

Am nevoie de un film super-motivant big grin Sugestii?

11 răspunsuri:
| 愛日本 a răspuns:

12 ani de sclavie

| Sn4k3 a răspuns:

Forever Strong, Into The Wild, Never Back Down. Vizionare placuta!

| spiridus25 a răspuns:

Good Will Hunting
The curious case of Benjamin Button
Secondhand Lions
The Bucket List
Door to Door
Hotel Rwanda
What Dreams May Come
Any Given Sunday
Martian Child
Boiler Room
Facing the giants
City of Angels
La Vita e Bella (Life is beautiful)
Fight Club
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Forrest Gump
The King’s Speech
A walk in the clouds
August Rush
The Greatest Game Ever Played
Eat Pray Love
Slumdog Millionaire
La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano ("The legend of 1900″)
Mar Adentro (titlul englez "Sea Inside")
Zorba the Greek
The blue butterfly
Rabbit Proof Fence
The desert flower. The Extraordinary Journey of a Desert Nomad
Things we lost in fire
The Green Mile
The Natural
The tree of life
The flying Scotsman
Mona Lisa Smile
Ordinary People
Ordinary People
The Ron Clark Story
Band of brothers
Extremely loud and incredibly close
Seven Pounds
Along came Polly
Antwone Fisher
Employee of the Month
How To Lose Friends And Alienate people
Good Luck Chuck
Deepak Chopra- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success
Hector and the search for Happiness
Trading Places
Too Big to Fail
The Wolf of Wall Street
Margin Call
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
A Good Year
Assault on Wall Street
Catch Me If You Can
Capitalism: A Love Story
Inside Job
The Corporation
Lord of War
The Queen of Versailles
Up in the Air

| TheWalker11 a răspuns:

Unbroken. (la asta sa te uiti neaparat),

| Th3AbSinTh3 explică (pentru TheWalker11):

Hmmm goal nu e cine stie ce, poate primul sa fie mai motivant, exista si 3! o sa incerc unbroken

| questsoul a răspuns:

The pursuit of happiness cu Will Smith

| Th3AbSinTh3 explică (pentru questsoul):

L-am vazut acum ceva timp, bun, dar nu e ceea ce caut

| DarkRedSmoke a răspuns:


| Th3AbSinTh3 explică (pentru DarkRedSmoke):

Si ce ti se pare motivant? L-am vazut, mi-a placut, e bine facut, dar...

| DarkRedSmoke a răspuns (pentru Th3AbSinTh3):

Depinde din ce punct de vedere privesti

| Ionel221 a răspuns:

Depinde acum.
Filme motivationale care iti vor schimba perceptia despre viata sunt urmatoarele:
- Shawshank Redemption
- Pursuit of Happyness
- Miracle
- Interstellar
- A beautiful mind
- Rocky
- Spartacus!
Bafta big grin