| Roberta a întrebat:

Care este cel mai frumos film pe care l-ai vazut si te-a impresionat cel mai mult?

16 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Storm of the century e preferatul meu!

| Theodora1234 a răspuns:

17 again

| 拉维尼亚 a răspuns:

A millionaire's first love

| SaDiCuL a răspuns:

Hunger Games ca am fost cu iubita mea la el si s-a speriat:X rolling on the floor

| YONTU a răspuns:

Daiery of a wimpy kid(jurnalul unui pusti) e foarte tare si e de comedie!
Funda?big grin

| Roberta explică (pentru YONTU):

Negociem dupa ce o sa-l vad! big grin

| YeyethisShitLookLikeAToupee a răspuns:

V from Vendettawinking

| Roberta explică:

Da da este intr-adevar, a fost printre serialele mele preferate! big grin

| ElecktroFloweR a răspuns:

Titanic bineinteleslaughing

| MarioOnette a răspuns (pentru YeyethisShitLookLikeAToupee):

Spune terog e horror sau macar are momente din astea care te sperii?

| ombladon93 a răspuns:

Cocosatul de la Notre-Dame

| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

Nu exista asa ceva.

| evostyle7 a răspuns:

Probabil ca The Shawshang Redemption (1994).

| Emmeii a răspuns:


Mi-a plăcut extrem de mult filmul A walk to remember.
Dar şii filmul, 50 first dates.
c :

Pa paa.

| natearchibald a răspuns:

Poftim o lista cu filmele mele favorite:
The Dark Knight, The shawshank Redemption, Inception, Lord of the Rings, Forrest Gump, Fight Club, The Prestige, Star Wars, Memento, Goodfellas, City of God, Black Swan, Se7en, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Leon: The Professional, Schindler's List, The Usual Suspects, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, American Beauty, American History X, Braveheart, The Shining, Gladiator, The Silence of the Lambs, Mulholland Dr., Batman Begins, Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds, The Departed, Avatar, Shutter Island, The King's Speech, Pirates of the Caribbean, American Psycho, Indiana Jones, Old Boy, Saving Private Ryan, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Troy, The Sixth Sence, The Pianist, Downfall, Slumdog Millionaire, Edward Scissorhands, The Exorcist, Million Dollar Baby, Chinatown, Spider-Man, The Help, The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, Drive, The Artist, Transformers, Warrior, The Social Network, Hugo, The Matrix, Titanic, Superbad, The Hangover, Moneyball, Sherlock Holmes, Iron Man, 300, Snatch, Harry Potter, A Clockwork Orange, Up, X-Men, No Country for Old Men, Gran Torino, A Beautiful Mind, Pan's Labyrinth, The Machinist, Fargo, The Blind Side, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

E foarte greu sa te decizi care este filmul preferat.

| maximusy a răspuns:

Changeling love struck