| FanicaFaraBaraJosFanel a întrebat:

Ayi dimineata mi-au instalat Assassins.Creed.Brotherhood si nu imi merge sa il deyarhivey imi cere o parola. Pe landa asta mai am in acel folder si un notepad care imi da doua linkuri cum sa afli parola... Dar eu nu stiu cum. Poate stiti voi. in acel notepad scrie :
"You need a password for this file, you can download the password from here:




We decided to limit the downloads for this file, so only those who will follow the next steps will have acces to it, that's why we're asking to complete a short survey before you can download the password.
After you complete the survey the download will automatically begin.
Thank you for your support! "

Dau funda celui care imi zice parola!+vot