| George455 a întrebat:

Am o bază de date în Acces de la Microsoft Office. Cum pot să o transfer în LibreOffice? Mersi anticipat...

Răspuns Câştigător
| dannyel86 a răspuns:

"You can not import a MS Access database into Base. You can however get access to the Tables in the MS Access database. there are two ways:-

1) In LO select create a new Base Database. In the wizard select "Connect to an existing database". Select "Microsoft Access" from the drop down list and select the MS Access database file. You will then see the Tables in the MS Access database.

2) If you want to use a Base database stand alone without having it connected to the MS Access file then after creating the connected database as in 1, with that database left open create another new standard Base database. Select each Table in turn in the connected database copy and then paste into the standard database.

In both cases you will need to create new Forms, Reports, and Queries in the base databases as these elements can not be imported from the Access database,"

1 răspuns:
| Bula a răspuns:

In Libre Office abia in noile versiuni a aparut sectiune pentru baze de date.
Celalalte sectiuni din Office s-au putut deschide si salva in formate MS, intrand la setari - compatibilitate MS Office si bifat toate casutele.
Nu am studiat inca, daca aculu au aparut si bazele de date, trebuie verificat.
Chiar daca n-au aparut, presupun ca in curand se va rezolva si aceasta compatibilizare, intrucat mult utilizatori ar fi impulsionati sa treaca la Linux dintre cei care folosesc baze de date in actualele MS Acces.